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Recent content by fm969

  1. F

    Need Help with 26 x mrf150 Board

    I'm looking for someone who can help me with a project I have. I have an amp board that I got from a guy in Florida, It has 2 driving 24 mrf150's. It is complete and mounted on a heat sink. Not sure where it came from, but it is industrial looking and high grade made. The only name I...
  2. F

    Golden Eagle,, No Key ??

    I guess I was wanting to know, what is the tube that controlles the key up circuit ??
  3. F

    Golden Eagle,, No Key ??

    Does anyone know which is the key up tube for the Mark 3 ?? Was in perfect working order and it just came from the eagle man in Alabama, was completely gone through. Went to grab the mic and it keyed for a split second and now nothing.. Is like the mic is not plugged in,,, nothing...
  4. F

    Eagle Tech Within 50 Miles of Nashville ??

    Come on,,,,There has got to be someone that knows Eagle Radios around Nashville that can be trusted..... I have 9 of them,, and boxes of parts,, everything you can imagine..... ....
  5. F

    Eagle Mark III

    You think a big part is because I'm using the stock banana mic ?? I guess they pinged fine back then, right ?? Will a amplified d104 work ok with these things. I know a lot of people use un amplified d104's. I'm far from green about mics and radios, just never ran an Eagle. I'm referring...
  6. F

    Eagle Tech Within 50 Miles of Nashville ??

    Any Real Good Eagle Tech's within 50 miles or so, of Nashville ?? I know Mark Barkett is in Alabama, was hoping for someone closer. I have never owned a Browning in over 30 years of radio and now I bought 9 in less then 30 days. 23-27's, Mark II, III and one IV. And I have boxes of...
  7. F

    Eagle Mark III

    Can anyone tell me where the ping capacitor for the mark III ssb, or tell me why I have a real short chirp or a almost dead bird sound ?? What do I look for ?? :whistle:
  8. F

    Texas Star Amp Repair free help

    My Savior and Only Amp Man........ It's a beautiful thing having you here with us, Mike. I just wanted to thank you for the extremely fast repair you did on my 667. I am getting ready to send the dx 500 we have talked about previously. It will go out Monday for you to wave your RF wand...
  9. F

    What do you call the set up where ther are 2 sweet 16's together as 1 amp Tell me more ...

    What do you call the set up where ther are 2 sweet 16's together as 1 amp Tell me more ? What was input drive ? What was the real output ?? What was amp draw ?? What did they cost new ??? How much would a good used one be worth now ??
  10. F

    Texas Star Amp Repair free help

    Thank You.... How could we be so fortunate enough to have to have a REAL amplifier Builder ????? This is a gift from the "RF" GODS........ 118 SuperStation,,,,, Nashville Tn. Proud owner of a 667v and a DX500
  11. F

    2 mrf150 driving 26,,,,,, What do you think ??

    That's right 2 driving 26 mrf150's 2 pro built boards, heat sinks and 3 power supplies. Looking for mrf 150 expert... :cool: Nashville Tn. Have lots of pictures when i find the right person... Lets Talk. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%