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Recent content by KJ4BAE

  1. K

    Dead key 98 vhp

    Thanks for the help guys. The vr numbers are what i needed. I now have it adjusted how i want it..
  2. K

    Dead key 98 vhp

    Does anyone know how to lower dead key on a galaxy 98 vhp ?
  3. K

    dx 99v ?

    Is a galaxy DX99V a single final or a duel final radio?
  4. K

    silver eagle plus??

    I'm starting to think the vox feature is for radio's that have vox built in. I thought that i could plug it into a cobra or galaxy, flip the vox switch and it would work. I could try it on my kenwood or yaesu but i dont want to rewire it. wish i could find an owners Manuel for it so i would know...
  5. K

    silver eagle plus??

    I just got a very nice silver eagle plus mic. The mic sounds great and the beep works but i cant get the vox to work. Does anybody know anything about these mic's maybe i'm missing something obvious, or maybe it just don't work. I searched the net but couldn't find much. Any help would be much...
  6. K

    would like to lower am carrier ts480sat

    Update.. I made a shorting jig and got into the service menu, it was pretty easy. When you do this you have to be careful not to change any thing except what you want to. I would suggest writing down what the manufacturer had them set to. As for my experiment it did not go well. Lowering the...
  7. K

    would like to lower am carrier ts480sat

    is there an easy way to lower the dead key on a ts480sat? It wont go any lower than five watts. Just wondering if it can be done.
  8. K

    News Flash! MR. RA has heart attack.

    Thats the best one liner I've heard all year.. Good one Booty.
  9. K

    I inherited some cb stuff

    Call HRO and get an Icom 718, You will be glad you did.
  10. K

    Transistor help

    A friend of mine has a palomar tx100 with bad pills. The problem is i cant find any info on thees pills or a cross reference. They have printed on them CTC TX100 G648. What can we put in this amp to make it useful again? Thanks in advance for any help..
  11. K

    amp help

    These numbers dont add up. Maybe i'm missing something???
  12. K

    Just Say No To SkyWalker Electronics

    A few mounths ago i orderd a 600 watt mosfet base amp, got it on time and thought everything was good. Had a small problem with amp so i took the top off and guess what, not a mosfet amp it was one 2290x two 2879. I called and told them thay sent the wrong amp and receaved a big line of...
  13. K

    Looking for a good tech.

    I have an old pride 500 amp That uses 4x2879 transistors. It is showing a dead short when i turn it on, swr between radio and amp goes to infinity. If i turn it off everything is fine. It has on the back of it 12-80 meter i had been using it on hf and it worked good with 30-40 watts drive would...
  14. K

    Wire strength question

    Will be between trees, will use center support if i can but most likely not. I live in central Kentucky we do get ice from time to time. Might use springs but unshure what size to use. I was thinking 18 gage was pretty small but the antenna builder says it is strong enough.<spelling?? I hate to...