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Search results

  1. J

    Audio circuit squeal!!!

    It's a Galaxy 44hp. When I turn up the volume, you can hear an unstable squeal start to build up. Was wondering if anyone has seen similar issues and can remember their fix. Doesn't happen in PA or FM mode.
  2. J

    Lafayette TELSAT 1240

    I did re-cap all the electrolytics on that board. The 10.240 MHz crystal is fine. Just can't find the shorted culprit.
  3. J

    Lafayette TELSAT 1240

    No tx and no RX. no carrier and no frequency output. Audio section works fine (checked with PA system). I've changed the PLL already with a new one. Any ideas?
  4. J

    canibalizing S-9 meter

    WavRider, Thank you for your reply. I know this comes to you late. My appologies. The customer ended up accepting the meter as it was. It worked, but you couldn't tell how weak a signal was.
  5. J

    canibalizing S-9 meter

    Got an Uniden Madison with a busted Sig/TX pwr. Used a Cobra 139 meter as a substitute but when I adjust VR1 for a 9lbs reading with 100uV, dead dignal reads as high as a 6. If I jump the meter terminals with resistance, it's either the same result or I allow too much pwr to bypass the meter...
  6. J

    RCI 69FFB4 Freq conversion

    Does anyone know how to mod this rig to get 11 meters? Only info I have found was a youtube vid and my didn't come out the same. I think there is a bit more than just moving the pins. Stupid SMT!!!
  7. J

    Cobra LE LX diode RX mod ?

  8. J

    Cobra LE LX diode RX mod ?

    The third diode is just in front of L1. Think it's D28
  9. J

    Cobra 29ltd Classic And Irf-520 Questions

    It depends on where you got the MOSFET. I bought about 5 on eBay (new) and were crap. Idk if static got to them or not. But all I got was about 15PEP. I just installed a ERF2030 in a Uniden 76 and installed a resistor inline with D11. She does 45+ pep with voice and pegs the needle on the Bird...
  10. J

    29 Vs 148

    There's got to be a poor alignment on that 29. Especially if you say she is turned all the way up.
  11. J

    odd issue with 959

    Swap your mics. Keep it simple to start with. And I have noticed that the newer line of 959s have a very tight antenna jack. I actually broke the jumper going from the jack to the pcb. Also make sure your mic jack is tight.
  12. J

    Meter LED on a dimmer

    Thanks Robb!
  13. J

    Meter LED on a dimmer

    Cobra 29 ltd side mic needs a dim able led. Seems like I've seen it done before. Anyone know how? As of know, the led is soldered in where the original lamp was. Led works but can't dim. Buddy says it's too bright and would like it to dim with dim switch like the channel does.
  14. J

    The Cobra 29

    The 29 LX has the same board but offers scan, t/b, and a diagnostics program and a couple others. I loved mine. Sold it to make room for a Bearcat 980SSB. Oh well.
  15. J

    Test Bench

    And a Bird. Dosy meters are ok, but birds will give you true RF watts. Bird 43P is the way to go.
  16. J

    High Watts from mosfet DX979

    I had a similar issue years ago. Don't remember all the problems I had, but it was all bc I just aligned the synthesizer and forgot to reinstall the T7,T8,T9 jumper board. Scratched my head for hrs. I didn't see it bc it slid under the radio out of my view. Stupid strip.
  17. J

    Galaxy DX 959 Not Holding Dead Key

    You have a trickle to gnd somewhere in your tx section. Recheck and make sure a solder joint hasn't leached on to a grounding joint.
  18. J

    Cobra 148 RX problem

    Break down and get on eBay! See one that's for parts for $32 right now. Can't tell you how many I have bought "broke" that just needed a fuse, cleaned mic gain knob, or just resolder the antenna wire to the pcb and paid more for shipping than the radio. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. J

    Cobra 148 RX problem

    If this was my radio, I would have shot it by now! :bdh: I did finally fix the problem. I could not isolate the actual faulty component, but was able to isolate the are. When I pressed the the board, the RX would come alive. It seemed to be extra touchy in the IF area. So I broke down and cried...
  20. J

    Troubleshooting 101

    #twilight zone theme music# Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk