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  • The Feb 2025 Radioddity Giveaway Results are In! Click Here to see who won!

Flash February 2025 Radioddity Antenna Giveaway!

For the last week of Feb. 2025, Radioddity is giving away an HF-008 Portable Telescopic Antenna which covers 3.5-50MHz along with a M916 Heavy Duty Antenna Magnet Mount with coax!


Here are the rules for this giveaway contest:

  • Any worldwidedx.com member may enter.
  • To enter, you MUST upload a personal radio-related photo to the dxGallery with a short description of what we're looking at. This can be anything: a pic of your mobile, home, or club station. It can be a pic of your favorite handheld or antenna. It can be a pic of a radio station you visited. It can be a picture of your QSL card wall. Really anything can qualify as long as it is radio related...
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Retevis Ailunce HA1UV Review

About 6 months ago, Retevis contacted me, asking if I was interested in beta testing a new VHF/UHF amateur handheld radio that is based on the design of their popular HA1G GMRS radio. They sent me a very early beta model and I began testing and providing feedback. Now that the radio has finally launched, I've received a production version and have had adequate time to provide a review of this radio.


The Retevis Ailunce HA1UV is a dual band, VERY rugged IP67 rated 5 watt radio that is marketed toward the entry-level ham community, with a price of about $70 USD on Amazon. The general motif of the radio is much like a basic commercial radio - the 256 memories are organized into Zones and...
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W6LVP Active Receive Loop: Great Antenna, Great Service

I've used the W6LVP Active Receive Loop antenna for a few years, supplementing my primary antenna to null out unwanted noise, hear tough stations, and as a diversity RX antenna with the Elecraft K4D. I had it mounted above a 6 meter 3 element M2 Yagi. The vent pipe mount of this configuration didn't survive the recent SoCal wind storm and the result was that the W6LVP PVC mast broke when it came down.

Anyone could easily make an alternate mast, but I wanted mine to be original. When the local Home Depot didn't have the same PVC components, I contacted W6LVP to purchase replacement parts. To my surprise, he offered to send them to me for free, which I didn't need or expect!

Today I put the antenna back up.

I love this RX antenna and wouldn't be without one. It...
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January New Year's Giveaway: 3 Retevis Ailunce HA1UV Radios!

At the time of this posting, this radio is so new, it's not even for sale yet! To celebrate 2025, Retevis is giving away THREE HA1UV radios. These are VHF/UHF handhelds, which are targeted toward beginners, but have many use cases. I have been testing one for months; it is based largely on the HA1G, but made for the ham bands.

This contest will have its own set of rules, different than the previous giveaways:

  • Any worldwidedx.com member may enter. To enter, reply once to this thread that you understand the rules and wish to enter the drawing.
  • Premium members will receive 2 entries into the drawing; non-premium members will receive 1 entry. If you are interested in supporting the site by becoming a premium member, information is at...
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Radioddity CB-500 Review

There's a new mini-sized CB on the market: the Radioddity CB-500. As luck would have it, my Uniden Bearcat 680 that I had in my Jeep died so I decided to replace it with the Radioddity CB-500 that the factory sent me to evaluate. After a couple of months of using it, this is definitely my favorite small-factor CB I've owned to date.


For such a small radio, the screen is amazingly large. They accomplish this by having only one knob, which function as the power and volume. The display has both brightness and 7 color backlight settings. Here's purple!


When I got the radio from the factory, it was set for EU CB band plan. To change...
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Handheld 10 Meter SSB fun: Cali Winter Style

Southern California has the worst traffic, high taxes, unaffordable real estate and whacky politics. But it also has the best weather. I had free time today, so I decided to drive down to Belmont Shore and play 10 Meter SSB during the ARRL contest.


I brought the Elecraft KX2, an internal battery, the AX2 whip antenna, and a counterpoise wire. The mic is just a cheap flexible PC mic I got off of ebay. Sitting on the dock, I stripped a little of the sheath off the tail of the counterpoise to expose the bare wire and dropped it into the salt water.

With the KX2 power set to 10 watts, I worked contacts all over the country, Hawaii, into Argentina and even Curacao. The band was just wide open and because the contest was active, stations were happy to dig me out when...
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RadiOddity Q60 Pro; "Black Friday" Review.

I won this Radiodditiy QT60 Pro 10 Meter Radio as a giveaway prize for Black Friday 2024, right here on WorldwideDX Radio Forum. One of the qualifications for entering the radio giveaway was to post a review of it in WorldWideDX Radios Forum's,"Product Reviews". This is my review as agreed to, and it will be an HONEST one.

I'll probably also be posting it to some of the other forums I frequent, like GlockTalk (a forum centered around firearms).
I tried to also upload a few videos on Rumble, but have been having difficulty with the DVR I used connecting to my computer. Also, some of the footage on my phone is "too large" to upload via email... But I'll keep trying and post links here, if successful.

After the unboxing and glossing-over the operations manual, I was...
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December 2024 Holiday Contest - Free HS4 10 Meter Radio with Antenna!

Thank you to Retevis, who has donated an HS4 10 Meter Radio with a mag mount antenna as a giveaway prize for the 2024 Holidays!


  • You must be a Premium Member to enter in the contest. Premium Members are those who donate to this site to help fund it; this is a small "thank you" to all of those who have done so for years. The details for premium membership are here: https://www.worldwidedx.com/account/upgrades
  • If you don't have a green banner below your name when you post that says "I Support WorldwideDX.com!", you are not a Premium member.
  • To enter the monthly contest, reply to this thread and simply reply that you want...
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Radioddity QT-60 Pro

November 2024

The Radio Clinic of New York Review of Radioddity QT-60 Pro HF Transceiver


The reviews that will follow in a series totaling three parts, are an overview, a portable operation and technical lab review. This is part one, with the subsequent parts to be published at a later date .

The Radioddity QT-60 Pro, is an amateur radio HF transceiver, that covers the frequency range of 24-30 MHz, capable of AM, FM, SSB, CW and while not published, digital modes are also possible.

The specifications are published and posted below for convenience.

This transceiver, manufactured in China by Qixiang Electron Science and Technology, is a result of countless hours of expertise and real world field testing, from beta testers, engineers and users across the...
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Retevis Ailunce HS4 10 Meter Radio Review

A couple of months ago, Retevis sent me a pre-production Ailunce HS4 10 meter radio to evaluate and provide feedback on. I've been playing with it for a while, and now that the radio is released, I can publicly review this radio.


Let's get the obvious out of the way: This is a 30 watt CB style radio, sold as a 10 meter radio but it can obviously be converted for use on 11 meters. What you decide to do with your radio is your business, not mine. For the purposes of this review, I've spent a lot of time using it as a 10 meter radio, to see how it performs and also pass along to others how to effectively use a radio like this on 10 meters.

This is an all mode radio, as evidenced by the mode knob on the front. There is...
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