Power Inc. CP2000 Base
Documentation Project
Section II 1. Method of Frequency
Selection BCD coding is as follows for each decimal number:
*C1, C2, etc., correspond
to the 1's, 2's, etc., place in the binary equivalent of each digit of
the channel number. Note that each decimal digit is binary coded, not
the entire number. C11, C12, C21, C22, etc., are the "bits"
of C2, the second digit of the channel number. Also note that TTL negative logic is used for the channel switches. 0 = 2.5 to 5 vdc and 1 = 0 to 0.6 vdc. The radio operating frequency is determined as follows: N is a three-digit
BCD number (NlN2N3) determined by feeding the channel switch outputs into
U60ON (for N2 and N3) and N1 control circuit (for Nl). U60ON requires
negative voltage for proper operation. This is done by feeding a 50 KHz
pulse from the synthesizer into the circuitry of U600M, Q616, Q617 and
Q618. The BCD number N is a nine's complement BCD number. This is coded
as follows:
Note that positive TTL logic levels are used for N. Thus, 0 = 0 to 0.6 vdc and 1 = 2.5 to 5.0 vdc. 2. BFO Inhibit
Control 3. Crystal Oscillators
The front panel clarifier control (R508) adjusts the DC bias on D608 (12.800 MHz oscillator) and on D605(12.803 MHz oscillator) to adjust frequency during receive operation only. 4. General Theory
of Digital Synthesizer An example will best illustrate this operation. If radio operation on 27.00 MHz is desired, the synthesizer output must be 16.8 MHz (since the radio IF frequency is 10.200 MHz). The 16.800 MHz is mixed with the 12.800 MHz fixed frequency to produce a 4.000 MHz frequency out of the synthesizer mixer. This 4.000 MHz is applied to the programmable divider and divided by 800 to produce 5 KHz. This 5 KHz is compared with 5 KHz produced by dividing the reference oscillator by 2560. Thus, synthesizer output frequency is as follows: fout - 12.800 MHz + N (5 KHz). It can be seen that a change of N by one will produce a 5 KHz shift in operating frequency. 5. Detailed Synthesizer
Operation 6. BFO 7. Reference Oscillators During transmit the front panel CLARIFIER control does not function. Each side of the control 8508 is connected through its respective switching transistor Q505 and Q506. In the transmit mode both Q505 and Q506 are turned off which effectively floats the arm of 8508. This prevents the user from warping either oscillator during transmit. 8. Basic Theory
of R/T Operation 9. Detailed Receiver
Operation The 10.200 MHz IF output of Q201 is fed through a delay network, consisting of L211, L214, C296, C297 and C258. The delay network is required to insure proper operation of the noise blanker. Output from the delay circuit goes to the crystal filter F-201 via diode switch D203 and D204. For SSB operation, +10 vdc is applied through 8245 to FL201 to change the filter to the SSB mode. The output of FL201 passes through diode switch D205 and is amplified by U200A and U200B (about 80db of IF gain). For SSB operation the output of U200B is switched by D211 into the product detector into the product detector (BFO). Q214 is the AM and AGC detector. Q216 is connected as a temperature tracking diode to bias Q214. The output of Q214 is low-pass filtered by 8301, C288 to provide audio and a DC voltage for AGC operation. This DC component is applied to comparator U200E. 8306 sets the comparison voltage for U200E. The output of U200E drives follower Q212 to provide fast attack of C277, 8297 and 8298 set the AGC decay. In the AM mode 8298 is shorted by Q217 which shortens the decay characteristics of the AGC. 8283 and 8281 apply AGC to the IF amplifiers. U200C compares the IF AGC level set by 8292 to begin rf AGC. 8298 and D208 assure full receive rf AGC shutdown during transmit. Q208 is the PIN diode (D105) driver. AM recovered in detector
Q214 passes through automatic noise limiter diode D214 and associated
circuitry before reaching Q219. The ANL can be turned on and off with
front panel switch SW502. Q219 is a FET switch which,selects either AM
or SSB audio for amplifier U200F. 8314 is to balance AM/SSB audio levels
into U200F. The output of U20OF goes through squelch gate (Q215) to the
output amplifier. U200E senses a DC IF AGC level set by the front panel squelch control (R809) to open the audio squelch gate Q215. U800C and associated circuitry amplifier the audio from U20OF to a suffient level for driving a 4ohm speaker. 10. Detailed Noise
Blanker Operation 11. Detailed Transmitter
Operation The output of the balanced modulator (10.200 MHz) is fed to diode switch D211. Note that 8699 and D614 in the balanced modulator form the key elements for switched, variable carrier insertion during AM transmit operation. The output of switch D211 is buffered by 0222, passed by switch D206, and filtered by dual mode filter FL201 (see previous sections for details of FL201 operation). The output of FL201
passes through switch diode D204 and is buffered by Q205. The output of
buffer Q205 is amplified by AGC driver Q207 and detected by D201 and D202.
The DC level output of D201-D202 is compared to a fixed +2 volts by U200C.
The transmit IF signal level is set by 8274 before buffer Q222. The output
of U200C drives emitter-follower Q209 for a fast attack of C222 and 8229
which set the transmit AGC attack and decay time. Q209 is an emitter-follower
AGC driver to the transmit audio AGC amplifier U200D. Thus, adjustment
of the audio gain through U200D adjusts the rf level through the transmit
IF chain, to prevent overmodulation and level the varying audio input
levels from the microphone. The output of Q205 also is passed through buffer Q203 to the gate of the transmit rf mixer, JFET Q204. The source of Q204 gets LO injection (16.8 MHz) from amplifier Q206. The output of Q204 (27 MHz) is bandpass filtered by C205-209 and L202-L204. A broad band amplifier consisting of buffer Q225 and push pull amplifiers Q226 and Q227 follows the three section transmit filter. Class A biasing is employed on all three devices to insure very linear operation. Interstage transformer T502 and output T501 provide optimum impedance transformation to following stages. An output filter L201, L205, and associated capacitors removes all out of band spurious energy. This filtered drive signal is applied to 8205 which sets the rf drive level to the linear transmit power amplifier assembly. The transmit power amplifiers Q101 and Q102 are operated Class AB with transformer interstage matching. Q102, the final rf amplifier. is operated Class B with quiescent DC bias set by 8107, 8108 and temperature tracking diode D104. Q102 also uses transformer type input and output matching. The output of Q102 passes through a 9 section low pass filter which insures complete removal of undesired harmonic energy. Between the output of the filter and antenna terminal T104 and T105 are connected in a directional coupler configuration. The resulting output is detected by diodes D101 and-D102 to give forward and reflected power information. A front panel switch SW 505 selects between the two DC voltages (fwd and refl) before application to VSWR meter amplifier U500C. A sample of the forward power DC voltage is used to drive the rf power output meter and associated drive circuitry. 12. Detailed Power
Supply Operation AC power is applied to the primary of T801 through line fuse F801 and POWER switch SW 801A. The secondary AC voltage of T801 is applied to the bridge rectifier assembly D805 and filter capacitors C803-C804 which provides full wave rectified DC for the series regulators. Both the +10 and +13.6V regulators operate in the same manner.. A precision regulator, U800A, drives a series pass transistor Q803 for +IOV and correspondingly U800B drives Q804 and Q805 for +13.6V output. Q801 and Q802 serve as over current shut back switches for the protection of the regulators. The +5V regulator, U800D, derives its input voltage from the center tap of T801. For DC operation from an external +13.6 volt source, power is applied to the input of the +5 and +10 regulators. Also, the external DC is applied directly to the audio PA and the RF PA module. D802, D803, and D804 route the external DC to the proper points in the regulator circuitry. |