Communications Power Inc. CP2000 Base
Documentation Project

Section III D

D. SMO Bd Alignment (7H042)

1. Set 8699 at 1/2 rotation. (CAR ADJ)

2. CHECK for -8VDC across C643.

3. Set xtal oscillators on frequency. Be sure to use a high impedance probe with frequency counter.

XL 1 = 12.802850 MHz at TP 6 (USB xmt) with C640.
XL 2 = 12.800 MHz at TP 6 (LSB xmt) with C648.
XL 3 = 10.197150 MHz at TP 7 (USB) with C667.
XL 4 = 10.200 MHz at TP 7 (LSB) with C652.

4. Check for no signal on AM-RCV at TP 7 with an oscilloscope.

5. On channel 1, adjust L603 for 2.4 VDC at TP 3.