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Citizen Band: 11 Meter: Clubs and Organizations

Unit 194

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2006
New Jersey
Alfa Tango Argentina - Resource includes club information, DXCC gallery, contests, and links. http://www.alfatangoargentina.8m.net/

Alfa Tango England - Club and membership information, DX news, software and events calendar. http://www.alfa-tango.co.uk/

American Eagle SSB Club - 11-meter SSB fraternity features club news and free membership information, net schedules, photos and links. http://americaneaglessbcbersclub.ericextreme.com/Home.html

American Whinah SSB DX Club - Pennsylvania-based 11-Meter DX club. Membership includes free web space. http://www.geocities.com/matt2kw/DXSSB.html

Bravo Golf Vaucluse - Official HQ of the Bravo Golf Vaucluse DX club. Roster and membership information. [English-French]

Charlie Michael DX Group - 11-meter DX group. Includes DX forum, QSO schedule, freeband and QSL information and time conversions. http://cmdxgroup.tripod.com/

Charly Alpha International DX Group HQ - Italy-based DX club information, news and links. http://www.charlyalpha.com/

Cluster DK - Be notified of 11-meter DX activity in your sector via e-mail and the internet. http://www.cluster.dk/

Delta Charlie DX Group - Southampton, England-based club resource features club and QSL information, roster, awards, and a DX chat room. http://deltacharliedxgroup.tripod.com/

Delta Echo November DX Group - International 11-Meter DX group presents membership information, registration procedures, and links. http://dendx.netfirms.com/

Delta Kilo DX Group: Germany - International DX club with members roster, chat and links. [German and English] http://www.delta-kilo.de/

DX World Group - Yahoo-based 11-Meter DX group offers chat, message boards, photos and links. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DX-World/

Echo Tango DX Group - Swiss-based DX group resource features club and membership information, propagation, a forum, photo and links. http://www.15echotango.ch/

Eco World International DX Group - 11-meter group based in Poland. QSL and membership information. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/6212/

Foxtrot Lima DX Group - Based in Finland. Features history of CB in Finland, downloads, message boards and links. http://koti.mbnet.fi/fldx/

Golf Tango International DX Group - Resource for members and visitors, including membership information, photos, events, forums and chat. http://www.golf-tango.org/

International Misfits CB Radio Club - 11-meter DX group. Features membership and club information, QSL card, and links. http://members.tripod.com/intmisfits/index2.htm

International Radio DX Group - Membership information, mailing list, chat and QSL gallery.

Knight Patrol International - International DX club with membership, club and QSL information, and links. http://www.kpdxgroup.net/

Lima Delta International - Official club portal. DX information, downloads, forums and club information. http://www.lima-delta.org/

Lima Delta International Radio Club - German DX club presents club information, QSL and DXCC list, activations and links. http://www.limadelta.de/

Mike Charlie DX - Netherlands-based club features information resources, members list, DXCC, and links. http://19mc01.freeservers.com/

Papa Golf DX Group Forum - Yahoo-based online resource offers message boards, chat, and mailing list. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/papagolf/

Papa Uniform Radio Club - Ireland-based CB and 11-Meter club resource with membership information, FAQ and QSL slideshow. http://www.papauniform.net/

Romeo Fox International DX Group - Canada-based organization presents membership and club information, and links. http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/3248/

Romeo Tango DX Group - Home resource includes club and membership information, photos and member forums. http://www.freewebs.com/romeotangodx/

RSN International DX Group - Northern Europe DX club features club and member QSL information, news, calendar, maps, and links to other RSN groups. http://www.rsndxgroup.org/

Scottish Worldwide DX - Scotland-based 11-meter DX friendship group. Membership information and links. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Station/5109/

Sierra Fox DX Group - A fun, international DX club with no rules or hassles. http://sierrafox2.tripod.com/index.html

Sugar Delta - HQ for international 11-meter DX group. Resources feature propagation data, club news and membership information, DX cluster, DX forums and chat. http://www.sugar-delta.org/

Sugar Papa DX - Sugar Papa South Pacific DX group. Online QSL's and membership information. http://www.geocities.com/sugarpapa2001/

Sugar Tango DX Group - Australian DX club resource features club and membership information, news, frequencies and links. http://www.sugartango.com/

Trans-Continental DX Operators - Club resource for Canadian and international freebanders features club membership and DX information, photos and links. http://www3.telus.net/tcdx_group/

Tweed Radio International DX Group - Australian-based 11-Meter international group. Club and membership information, DX news, and links. http://www.geocities.com/tr_club/

Victor Charlie International DX Group - Professional 11-meter DX club for serious and courteous operators. http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Canyon/9059/index.html

Victor Golf DX Group - Greece-based club; includes member list, QSL, history and chat room. http://www.geocities.com/gournis/

West Wales Coastal Breakers - UK-based club for CB'ers in the West Wales region. Includes club and membership information, events, and QSL sources. http://www.wwcb.telinco.co.uk/wwcb.htm

Whiskey Delta Charlie DX Club - UK-based 11-Meter DX group. Large QRZ database with 24 club directories. Membership available. http://www.geocities.com/wdc_club/main.htm

Whiskey Jack SSB Group - International DX club HQ. Members pages, photographs, message boards and membership http://wjclub.freeservers.com/

Whiskey Tango DX Club - Features membership information, lists and maps, chat, and message boards. http://goodtimesgang.proboards36.com/

Winnipeg Nite Owls CB DX Group - Canada-based Yahoo group offers message boards, chat, club information and links. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/winnipegniteowls/

World Wide Field Day - 11-meter DX and contest group. Resource includes complete contest information, rosters, downloads and DX links. http://www.wwfd.dk/

That list started me thinking. Anyone remember the Tango-Tango club from South Africa? I was TT-402 and talked to scores of folks down there back in the 80's. Don and Helena Goodrich,TT-245, in Aliwal North, South Africa were good friends but sadly have been lost over the years.
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QRN said:
That list started me thinking. Anyone remember the Tango-Tango club from South Africa? I was TT-402 and talked to scores of folks down there back in the 80's. Don and Helena Goodrich,TT-245, in Aliwal North, South Africa were good friends but sadly have been lost over the years.

Did these South African QSO's take place on 11 meters???????
Yep,27.635 USB was a favorite freq back then. I had a clean shot from here in Nova Scotia heading south-east straight out over the Atlantic to South Africa.Way back then South Africa was as common as Florida on the air some weeks. :wink:
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There is also a Whiskey Delta group south of me here in Dayton,Ohio.They have there net every Sunday night at 9PM
on 27.4750 LSB. Of course the conditions as they have been,
they haven't had much DX activity lately.Great bunch of folks tho.They used to have a plain website,but I think it may be
defunct now.Not too sure. I just had to throw that in here :)
Slim said:
There is also a Whiskey Delta group south of me here in Dayton,Ohio.They have there net every Sunday night at 9PM
on 27.4750 LSB. Of course the conditions as they have been,
they haven't had much DX activity lately.Great bunch of folks tho.They used to have a plain website,but I think it may be
defunct now.Not too sure. I just had to throw that in here :)

More radio clubs/organizations at : http://dxqsm.dxinfos.fr/index.php?mod=group_pages

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