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Recent content by Flatland Radio

  1. F

    Cobra Cam 88

    Give Kens electronics a email he has service manuals and or the the Sams for it and most other vintage radios. http://www.kenselectronics.com/
  2. F

    uniden pc122xl

    Great little radio I had the Radio Shack version of it the TRC 453 I believe it was.It got sent to old #7 in Oregon and that thewas last I saw of it :( :evil:
  3. F

    Who has been here longest?

    Joined forum Dec 10 2001.
  4. F

    New Super Star T747 Mic Tester. Manual anyone?

    The aux plugs on the side of the tester are for testing noise toys like roger beeps, echo boards etc.Run the wires to the tester plug in a mike and key it and you get to hear what the toy sounds like.
  5. F

    What is Your Favorite Base Antenna?

    Hygain Penetrator 500
  6. F

    mic wiring for 29ltd & uniden ?

    Yes it will! uniden/galaxy/cobra all wired the same.
  7. F

    I don't know if I like this?

    Well General Motors has to do something to get sales back ,with 8 different divisions and more plant closures looming its do or die time for the American auto makers.
  8. F

    State Scanner Laws

    They are serious about this here in Nebraska depending upon which officier stops you.I was stopped one time and the cop looked at my RCI 2950 and asked if it was a scanner . I picked up the mike keyed it and a truck driver responded and I was let go and went on my way.If you get caught speeding...
  9. F

    Want to get a CB setup in my pickup

    Instead of ebay look at unidens online store and check out the refurbished radios they have a factory warranty and a very good price.I bought a 68xl and had no problems with it. http://www.uniden.com/store/itemlist.cfm?cattype=prd&catid=5&likenew=1
  10. F

    Who has sold the most 11m radios??

    Motorola is probably not the smallest although they didnt make a lot of cb radios.If you go back to the boom years of the mid to late 70s when everyone and thier dog was selling them you can find some brands where there were only 1 or 2 models that they marketed.Lots of brands like...
  11. F

    teardrop mesh needed,please.

    The 636L screen will work but it sticks out farther than the stock screen on a 575M6 does.Walcott Cb has several colors of these as well as the black ones. http://www.walcottcb.com
  12. F

    Orange wire on Cobra 20 plus

    Not a bad radio for its compact size.It should work fine for your mobile sset up.They can be tuned up with a decent deadkey and fair audio.
  13. F

    Vintage C.B.'s

    Alaron,Allied,Audiovox,Boman,Cadre,Capitol,Citifone,Colt,Dak,Demco, Fanon,Gemtronics,Handic,Hammerlund,Kris,Lafayette,Midland<Morse,Motorola,Olson,Pace,Pacer,Pearcesimpson,Rca,Realistic,Regency,Roberts,Robyn,Royce,SBE,Siltronix,Sonar,Surveyor,Tenna,Utac,Vocaline,Webster,Xtal, Zodiac and many...
  14. F

    Vintage C.B.'s

    Alaron,Allied,Audiovox,Boman,Cadre,Capitol,Citifone,Colt,Dak,Demco, Fanon,Gemtronics,Handic,Hammerlund,Kris,Lafayette,Midland<Morse,Motorola,Olson,Pace,Pacer,Pearcesimpson,Rca,Realistic,Regency,Roberts,Robyn,Royce,SBE,Siltronix,Sonar,Surveyor,Tenna,Utac,Vocaline,Webster,Xtal, Zodiac and many...
  15. F

    Sonar model G?

    Try Kens electronics for the manual and or the Sams for this radio, he may also have the crystals you need. http://www.kenselectronics.com