About the size of a pack of smokes, weighs just about a pound - top panel (insert tray) is all heatsink and thick die cast aluminum so it "mounts" the bracket. Single screw / bolt each side.
Remember it's aluminum - so bolts used to mount it can strip, then you're screwed...
Bottom panel - speaker interesting mounting though Press to fit, insert style, with "tang - clip" to hold speaker to PLASTIC (yes metal case top and board, uses top metal panel for heatsink and nearly entire support) thin bottom piece. Although not sure of wear tear and vibration and the effects of time on that panel - gave the speaker a good tone but little fidelity - look inside, you'll see why - small value caps to keep working voltages up but ability to pass fidelity - poor - almost reminded me of the RCI2970's tiny little speaker "membrane" type and how little it was but make that plate vibrate even with the heatsink. That's what gave it it's bass response.
Now, if you play football - basketball or hockey - the thing is not meant for strong arm tactile press here types or wrench the knob with your steel tendon thumb - because it is not meant for fat fingers.
Got a magnifying glass? Wait, you're Steve Austin - you'll need to recharge your Bionic eye often because a lot of the display is simply "channel" and any thing else you may have touched and gone beep with - well, say hello to the next one - you can't read fine print - then forget it...because you'll be frantically trying to remember how to restore your initial conditions when you reached over to turn up the volume and hit squelch and then mistakenly placed a finger to brace your thumb and "the last thing I remember officer was hearing this BEEP and so I panicked and never saw you, the light or that guy with the T-shirt that says "I HATE CB'ers" .
Could be a fun little radio to play with while you re-awaken to see your maker while still in your coffin - at least ask the Parlor help to supply you with a mag-mount "lil-Wil" while you call out your fathers name in heaven...
So basically what your saying is they are a bitch to work on because of the size, and if you have fat fingers they are a bit hard to operate....Had one come into the shop a year or so ago, before that "Andy" came out - so Boss wanted to show it off and one of the first mistakes he made with it was with the mic cord and it's ring connector - almost cross threaded the thing by accident.
But once seated and turned on, you could see there were going to be problems with the panel,
The case will get warm, uses a single 8V regulator that PRESSES onto the top of that insert tray - it can bend the board if you don't reseat it right - about 4 screws hold the board but the front panel is an INSERT - uses tabs! So you can pop it out quickly just remember to flip the black cover on the ribbon cable else you can tear it off and your screwed again ... just ask the boss.
- the display uses pivots up or down to "channel change" the thing
- - and on every corner is a button so again as said earlier
- - if you have fat fingers and try to use this thing you may wind up hitting the panel to change the channel or bump the corner buttons....
- - it's smaller than your smartphone and the display is LCD
- - with FINE TINY abbreviated print
- - you select / toggle the various functions from those corners
- - hit the wrong corner and WX blares in when you expected to hear the channel come back to you.
It only took one to show up and he had a day with it.
If you get one, the "F" key and channels will let you scroll thru a set of commands - one of them is PW - that is 0123456 - like McKinley...
Although not sure of wear tear and vibration and the effects of time on that panel - gave the speaker a good tone but little fidelity - look inside, you'll see why - small value caps to keep working voltages up but ability to pass fidelity - poor -