Next time time anyone wants to homebrew a monoband Center-Fed Halfwave Dipole you don't have to copy SleazeBay or anyone else. Simply do a little simple math:
468/Freq. in MHz= total length of both poles in feet.
234/Freq. in MHz= length of one pole in feet. Just cut 2 @ this length.
Just plug your favorite frequency into the equation and cut your wire. Depending on your end attachments you may want to add a little to those lengths. 14 or 12 AWG wire is perfect, cheap, low weight and will give you all the <1.5 SWR bandwidth you need for the entire 11m band, plus some.
For Inverted Vs some folks add 5% to those lengths, I found when cutting for several HF monoband band Vs, that subtracting 5% got me much closer to the correct length for easier tuning. YMMV.
Despite the ancient (and incorrect) CB myths about dipoles and wire antennas, you'll end up with a highly efficient, balanced antenna that will outperform most manufactured, overpriced 11m antennas currently available, especially the fiberglass-tube end-fed verticals with a 26 gauge wire inside.
A 1:1 balun/Common Mode Current choke is also fairly easy to homebrew, cheaper and higher quality than many on the market.
They can be made using coax:
View attachment 70016LMR240-Ultra Flex. A little pricey but worth it.
or Bifilar wound with solid copper wire pulled from Romex house wire:
View attachment 70017Stick it in a watertight box, makes a good, easy feedpoint for a dipole. Both are Fair-Rite FT240-43 mix ferrite toroids. $10-$12ea. on Crapazon.
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