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Search results

  1. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 ltd

    Got a cobra 29 ltd that i am working on for a friend i have tried 2 diffrent finals and cant get it to key over 4 watts. Finals are irf520 and erf2030 any ideas thanks for the help.
  2. Trainwreck

    1991 cobra 146 made in phillippines

    Ok i didnt mean to start a debate over which was best, i just was looking for answers on how to get mine up and running. It keys up but no modulation, thought i might be the finals. I was just looking for a mod for power and distance is all sorry if i started any argument over which was best...
  3. Trainwreck

    1991 cobra 146 made in phillippines

    So will the 148 mosfet mod work for this radio or do i need to keep looking?
  4. Trainwreck

    1991 cobra 146 made in phillippines

    Ok next question where would i find the board number or the chassis number on here as i have not seen a 146 before thanks again
  5. Trainwreck

    1991 cobra 146 made in phillippines

    I just received a 91 model cobra 146 that was made in the Philippines from a friend today. At looking at radio, it looks like it has been through the ringer, but pulling the covers off it looks new. What i am wondering is, is there any mods for a fet in this radio and if so where do i find them...
  6. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 help

    i got a cobr29 i have been building, its got erf-2030 final echo, an nitro knobs. but now it has no modulation, or swing anybodnow where i should sta to figure this out
  7. Trainwreck

    Soundtracker questions

    Ok......I dont understand the point or use for the feature. But my question is if the radio has been truned up will this feature cause the radio to " over-modulate " and is this feature any benefit to the audio quality to a receiving radio that is not equipped with this feature?
  8. Trainwreck

    irf520 mosfet for cobra 29

    Must have to be a member to find it.....i didnt find anything......oh well......all in due time i guess. But thanks for the help
  9. Trainwreck

    irf520 mosfet for cobra 29

    Ok thank you 9C1 i will check it out......thanks again
  10. Trainwreck

    irf520 mosfet for cobra 29

    ok.....want to do 520 mosfet in a cobra 29 but not sure which instruction to use.....(insturctions via internet) any suggestions? thanks for your h elp
  11. Trainwreck

    soundtracker module

    What is the procedure for removing the sound tracker module from a cobra 25
  12. Trainwreck

    40-45 watt ERF2030 mod for Cobra 25/Uniden 66/68

    Are there any extra steps left out to bring the carrier up on a 29 ? Have one with erf2030 mod with 2-2.5 dk 20-30 watt swing?
  13. Trainwreck

    erf-2030 mod for cobra 29

    Ok,I have done two 29's with the erf2030 mod, both radios have a good dk but i cant hit the 40 watt mark. All i seem to get is 30 or less. Anybody have an idea of what resistor or cap i need to remove to hit the 40 watt mark or settle for what i am getting and be happy. Both radios sound good...
  14. Trainwreck

    Rf power/modulation meters

    Does anybody know of a good way to build your our rf power/ modulation meters? Also possibly a tone generator?
  15. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 components

    I am not sure who did the work on the radio to begin with, but there are things in there that i have NEVER seen in a cobra29. For instance one mod looked like a pill bottle with 4 wires coming out of it.....wtf...... its gonna be a while before this radio talks again......if ever
  16. Trainwreck

    Cobra 29 nh st

    I have done the erf-2030 mod on a cobra 29 nh st for a friend who wanted more out of his radio than what he was getting. But after installing new final and component part and removing all resistors and caps, i cant get any more than 15 watts. I have even tried different caps to see if it will...
  17. Trainwreck

    Galaxy dx44v

    Looking for a printed circuit board for a galaxy dx44v, if anybody has or knows were i may find one please let me know at jamieh207@gmail.com. thanks for your help
  18. Trainwreck

    Replacement pcb for galaxy

    Where ( if at ) would i find a pcb for a galaxy dx44 v
  19. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 components

    Thanks QROdx, that helped alot
  20. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 components

    Does anyone have a complete list of components and locations for a çobra 29 ltd classic? Had one give to me that had been majorly hacked, trying to return it to stock so that it can be possibly a good radio. Thanks for all your help