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Search results

  1. J

    Uniden Washington PLL719

    Yes. Lima Charley (loud and clear) on all modes. Oh and no mods done to radio either. All stock.
  2. J

    Uniden Washington PLL719

    Got a Washington with low but readable audio on internal & external speaker. But loud and proud on PA. All I can think is either phone jack or EXT SP jack is shorting out. But a can't find it. Any ideas? Other than that, she's a good radio. -Jetman:thumbup1:
  3. J

    Galaxy DX-2547 VR701?

    Got a newer version (MOSFET FINAL) Galaxy DX 2547 and having crazy power issues. Where the HELL is the power adjustment pot VR701!!! My service manual has a few errors in it. Anynoe out there know where it is? Thanks for reading!!!
  4. J

    PLL Alignment help (equipment)

    Will this work? http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&toolid=10001&campid=5336136228&icep_item=271149387824
  5. J

    Cobra 200 glt dx issue

    Powered up my 200 today (I have not bumped, hit, tinkered with) today and got all 8's on frequency counter and channel display. Radio will not TX/RX. None of the knobs work. What gives? MOSFET fried??? Can't figure it out! Running on: PYRAMID 12-15VDC 35amp power supply.
  6. J

    PLL Alignment help (equipment)

    Yeah, guess ill be using my refund for a new scope. Thank you!
  7. J

    PLL Alignment help (equipment)

    Guys/Gals I've been looking for an oscilloscope for my work bench (tinker station) that is needed for PLL alignments. Even on eBay, those suckers are expensive! A buddy gave me his DSO Nano saying it might do what I need but he wasn't sure. I'm a jet engine specialist by trade and...