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  1. M

    Cobra 148 Philippines alignment problem

    Thank you, for continuing the dialogue. Sorry, for the misunderstanding. I should not have made fun of A99's, single-wides, duct tape, and stock cars. At least one is of them is something that everyone should have. I'll let you guess which one.
  2. M

    Cobra 148 Philippines alignment problem

    I guess I am the only one that can see the picture attached to his quote with a BS meter and the quote "It is not easier to spread your version of how sh** ticks." If nobody else sees it, then I can understand why everyone is so bewildered by the fact that I responded the way I did.
  3. M

    Cobra 148 Philippines alignment problem

    I must have misinterpreted the BS meter that was attached to his comment which was directed at me. Silly me for thinking that someone telling me that I was full of sh-- was rude. I guess I am the rude one for not knowing that being told that you are full of it is considered proper etiquette. Is...
  4. M

    Cobra 148 Philippines alignment problem

    I apologize for being able to repair my own radio and for not being a ham. I guess I just got lucky. I'm sure that infuriates you. An "I'm surpised you were able to get it working by using that method" would have sufficed. All them thar little pills and such sure was confusin but the duck tape...
  5. M

    Cobra 148 Philippines alignment problem

    I finished replacing the filter caps today and the problem is gone. I guess it had just been sitting too long without being used and more than one cap had failed. It stays right where I put it now. I should have finished what I started before I posted. I used a music mixing program on my...
  6. M

    Cobra 148 Philippines alignment problem

    I just purchased a 1991 148 GTL. TR24 had been cut so I restored it. It would drop of in power when transmiting on ssb, so I replaced as many caps as I had a match for, which ended up being 9. It fired up and transmited at full power, but I can't get it aligned. When I align the tx freq, rx...