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Search results

  1. ButtFuzz

    PowerShell Ramblings

    No, 357Magnum, this is not about +P! I have a relatively robust music collection... mostly of filetypes .m4a and .mp3. There is one indispensable tool that I recommend to tag and rename a music collection and it does not run on Linux. The name of that tool is, strangely enough, mp3tag and...
  2. ButtFuzz

    ButtFuzz' PowerShell Radio / Antenna Math

    I was bored in PowerShell class today. Here's a simple PowerShell script to roughly calculate antenna values. YMMV. Wooooooo! ##################################################### Function Show-DipoleSize() { CLS [float]$freq = Read-Host "What is the desired freq. in MHz?" $f = ($freq) $a =...
  3. ButtFuzz

    CB Radio Blowout Sale! Superstar 121 / Galaxy Uranus! ButtFuzz says "sell 'em!"

    $100 Gets the following shipped to your door, CONUS, via USPS Priority Mail: Superstar 121 cleverly disguised as a Galaxy Uranus. AM/FM 26.515-27.855 Essentially, Ranger's version of a Cobra 29. New S/RF meter and bulb. Added chrome knobs for that 29 look and feel. Mod has been turned up a...
  4. ButtFuzz

    CB Radio Blowout Sale! Voyage VR-9000 ButtFuzz says "sell 'em!"

    $125 Gets the following shipped to your door, CONUS, via USPS Priority Mail: Voyage VR9000 Export CB Radio Cleverly Disguised As A Galaxy Pluto Same as Dirland DSS-9000 and countless other Galaxy clones. 1 segment of last LED in FC display bad, as shown in pics. New S/RF meter and bulb...
  5. ButtFuzz

    CB Radio Blowout Sale! Cobra 148 GTL ButtFuzz says "sell 'em!"

    $150 Gets the following shipped to your door, CONUS, via USPS Priority Mail: Unmolested except for the new meter. 1st generation Taiwan (PRE-Philly) Cobra 148 GTL 5 Pin Side Mic The faceplate has been cleaned up after the 2nd pic. Comes with mounting bracket, knobs, stock mic and power...
  6. ButtFuzz

    CB Radio Blowout Sale! Mirage 88 ButtFuzz says "sell 'em!"

    $150 Gets the following shipped to your door, CONUS, via USPS Priority Mail: 1st Generation Mirage 88 cleverly disguised as a Yaesu FT-410. This is the "Hi-Band" model, meaning it covers the great majority of 10M Phone and FM, too. 26.065-29.655 Comes with mounting bracket, knobs, stock...
  7. ButtFuzz

    Consumer Electronics Hall Of Fame Cobra 138XLR

    A nice short read Consumer Electronics Hall Of Fame Cobra 138XLR
  8. ButtFuzz

    Cherokee CM-5 CB Radio - NEW in box.

    Cherokee CM-5 CB New In Box. Includes: Radio Power cable Microphone Mounting Bracket Mounting Knobs Owner's Manual I opened the box and 1. Made sure unit worked. 2. Performed "export" frequency conversion 3. Bumped up the mod to 100%. Mod limiter NOT removed. You shan't be el-distorto. $62...
  9. ButtFuzz

    An absolutely fabulous read from 1977...

    The Great American Addiction Not dope. Not booze. Not even money. Next guess, good buddy?
  10. ButtFuzz

    I made fire today!

    I have not had good luck with a G5RV or similar design antenna. Burnt up a connector or two on those. So I went with a 40 meter - trapped 80 meter dipole. The feed point on the trapped dipole antenna kept getting water in it, and shorting or opening the circuit... causing nastiness. So this...
  11. ButtFuzz

    Icom Resources: Service Manuals and Software

    Courtesy of Marcucci (IT). Icom Service Manuals Icom Software Marcucci Product Catalogs Service Manual Links backup on n4rev site
  12. ButtFuzz

    CB Modification Website

    I have a website that I have maintained for several years that has quite a bit of information regarding CB radios. It is loosely based on three books by Lou Franklin: Screwdriver Experts Guide to Peaking Out and Repairing CB Radios, 1981 Understanding & Repairing CB Radios: For the...
  13. ButtFuzz

    Current Ghetto-ness

  14. ButtFuzz

    Xiegu X-108G TX Inhibit disable

    This is dealer information and has not been tested. Standard disclaimer: You broke it? YOU broke it! Executive summary: Modification requires removal of R76, located on top of the top board, at the very front. Steps: Remove the front 4 screws... The knobs, etc. should not need to be...
  15. ButtFuzz

    Improving AM audio on the FT-991

    Improving AM audio on the FT-991 N4REV based on an incomplete work by PE2CJ 1. Power off the FT-991 and connect a dummy load to the HF antenna port 2. Press the [A/B]+[A=B]+[FAST] buttons together and hold them, then press POWER to enter SERVICE MODE Fiddle with anything other than the...
  16. ButtFuzz

    Yaesu FT-991 tranceiver and Yaesu MD-100A8X microphone

    Leenyer not included. Yaesu FT-991 HF/50/VHF/UHF all-mode transceiver... Fusion Digital, too. Yaesu MD-100 A8X Dynamic Microphone. General Coverage Transmit (1.8 through 30 MHz continuous) modification has been performed on this rig. Latest firmware ("color waterfall") has also been installed...
  17. ButtFuzz

    CZE 15B "Premium" Chinese FM Stereo Transmitter

    Walk-through and commentary. Disclaimer: This transmitter is not approved for any type use in the US, and the FCC will be making a path to your location should you use more than 500 milliwatts. A lot less if you are interfering with a weak signal that happens to be your neighbor's favorite...
  18. ButtFuzz

    Formac 700 Information

    for fishingshow: 4:24 PM - ButtFuzz: Formac 700: <VR3 next to R145 is FM Dev, VR1-TX Meter, VR3-Lo AMC, VR4-Mid PWR AMC, VR5-Hi AMC, 4:24 PM - ButtFuzz: VR6-Mid PWR, VR7-Low PWR, VR8-Sq Range, VR9-RX Meter> 4:24 PM - ButtFuzz: TX Tune-up: LT8, LT7, LT6, LT5, (LT4, LT3, LT2 - careful -...
  19. ButtFuzz

    20 meter 'no radials' vertical antenna made from "Satellite TV" co-ax.

    subtitled: The DirecTV OMG! Antenna. I got the idea for this build while searching for tips on a "pipe 'n' co-ax" Zepp antenna. CLICK HERE for the general idea behind this antenna. A few years ago, my friend Andy moved into a new house and wanted all the external, "ugly" co-ax removed from the...
  20. ButtFuzz

    Texas Ranger _6900F Jumbo

    Radio has been sold! (Just like that!) Thanks, BJ. 12 Bands of 40 channels. Covers 12, 11, Freeband, 10 meters. Course clarifier unlocked from factory. This is the original series of this radio and was intended as an AR, as witnessed by the lack of echo and talk back on this radio. Later...