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Search results

  1. Trainwreck

    patriot pat-12 antenna problems

    i am pretty new at the base station side of radios,so when i decided to put up a base antenna i thought "no big deal anybody can do it" guess i lied to myself . the radio i use is a galaxy 66v the antenna is on three sections of galvanized steel (actually 4 sections, on is drove 4 ft in the...
  2. Trainwreck

    galaxy dx 66v

    i took your advise robb and sent it to the shop. what kind of power can i get out of a 2166 driver and a 1969 mit final for this radio? just curious is all? will it do the things i have heard ( 40-50 watts ) on a single final
  3. Trainwreck

    galaxy dx 66v

    got a galaxy 66 thatis showing 13.458 for the freq on channel 19. what is needed to be done to get it back on freq so that it may be used again. had a bad solder joint i thought checked them and now its doing this ....please help
  4. Trainwreck

    connex 3300 final upgrade

    yeah i have tried that and the humming stops when the echo is turned off. but i gotta have my echo ....i feel naked without it. had it in my radios for so long it just dont sound the same to me
  5. Trainwreck

    connex 3300 final upgrade

    Ok. It works fine with finals it has now, just after a while of using it on high pwr and echo on it goes to humming real bad. If i could figure this out it would be a great lil radio.
  6. Trainwreck

    connex 3300 final upgrade

    i recently got a connex 3300 ( with the heat sink , probally hp version) anyway it has mitubishi finals in and i was wondering how if possible to change those to fets and possibly get more output on final power, an suggestions would be helpful. thanks for all your help and info
  7. Trainwreck

    galaxy 33 hp no power

    thanks guys i just happened to remember that after i posted this, the help is always welcome
  8. Trainwreck

    galaxy 33 hp no power

    i left my galaxy 33 hp in my big truck during my vacation last week, during that time my co-driver had to swap trucks. and in the process hooked( i assume) my 33 up backwards. now i have no power and it blows the fuse on the ground side of a double fuse line that i use does anyboby know where i...
  9. Trainwreck

    Galaxy 33hp

    Can anyone tell me how to lower my dk on high power of my galaxy 33hp without loosing the 40 watts of power i have now. I have heard these radios are capable of 50+ watts and i would like to see if mine has anymore hiding in there.....Thanks for your help
  10. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 no receive

    Ok i have tried that several times and nothing.....i am at a stand still. I have checked the components in the the receive circuit and all seem fine. Am i missing something or should i just junk the radio
  11. Trainwreck

    cobra 148gtl

    ran across a 148gtl in my supply of "junk"radios, the radio seems to be recievingbut it has no audio or transmit on am/upper or lower ssb. in pa mode radio has audio. not sure where to start on this one "if it can even be fixed" any ideas will help. thanks for the help and ideas
  12. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 no receive

    have tried to resolder.not in vehicle,and no thumb screws, had tried everything and cant seem to find the right spot.
  13. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 no receive

    Got a cobra 29 with very little to no receive. If you tap the top of the case it receives fine till it fades out again, anybody got any idea where to start to fix this.....cause i cant seem to find where or why it is doing it thanks for the help and ideas on where to start
  14. Trainwreck

    uniden grant xl

    I recently bought a uniden grant xl and somebody before me had done the irf520 mosfet conversion. The problem is they took the fr gain control and made a dial a watt out of it soldering it to the rf power pot. Does anybody have any pics or diagrams of a grant so that i might b able to get this...
  15. Trainwreck

    President Grant

    This probably not the right section, and if its not i apologize. I am looking for a President Grant ( older model ) to buy. If anyone has one working or not and want to sell it please let me know. Thanks
  16. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 ltd

    Yeah it wasnt doing anything when the guy brought it to me. I changed the final to get what i have now. I have done the erf2030 mod on it ......same result. I have tried the irf520 mod on it ......same result. I have racked my brain trying to figure it out.thank you guys for your help. God bless
  17. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 ltd

    Everything's been peaked out.....i have been playing with the caps and haven't done any good so far......guess i haven't hit the right one yet. The radio has not been used in about 20 year my friend had told me. It was his dads first radio so i am very cautious with it.
  18. Trainwreck

    cobra 29 ltd

    The swing is at best maybe 2 watts and thats at best. I am lost on this radio. Thank you for your help and God bless
  19. Trainwreck

    1991 cobra 146 made in phillippines

    My problem with the amp is my company i work for will not let me have one in my truck. That is why i was looking for way to mosfet it or rfx it. I had an amp on a galaxy 44 in my truck till they caught me with and made me take it out. So if anybody knows how to fet a 146 pr install an rfx kit...
  20. Trainwreck

    1991 cobra 146 made in phillippines

    Yeah Robb i checked that stuff and still no swing. I am at a stand still now, not sure which way to go now. Thanks for the help and if you happen to run across rfx-75 instructions for this radio please let me know. Thwnks again