is it possible to make a small 10-200Hz transmitter? i cant find any transistors that can produce modulation at this frequency.
this project would be used for idiots with loud subwoofers at stoplights.:bdh:
Yeah, they are called audio amps. At those frequencies the only difference is what the load is, a speaker or a really, really, really ,really, loooooooooonnng wire antenna. :w00t:
The plan is to build a circuit that osculates between those freqs at different audio tones that only there subwoofer will respond to and not there CDplayer or radio. as far as the antenna goes.. i can build a small thin wire loop antenna around the roof of the vehicle between the sheet metal and roof liner.
Morse, are you talking about building the home version of that "less than lethal" sound weapon (crowd control device) the military and police departments are experimenting with?
The plan is to build a circuit that osculates between those freqs at different audio tones that only there subwoofer will respond to and not there CDplayer or radio. as far as the antenna goes.. i can build a small thin wire loop antenna around the roof of the vehicle between the sheet metal and roof liner.
oh didn't think of that :laugh:
i could easily buy one for $7grand
no just so sick n tired of broken QSO's from idiots with sub woofer booming at stop lights.