Well Guys: Had a Blast during the Contest!
10 Meters was open for a couple hours early Saturday afternoon while I was running Solo on the board.
I only spent that little time because 15 meters (21 MHz) was being so productive.
The majority of the propagation was South from Central Ohio.
All were worked, most with multiple contacts.
Then very briefly the Door Opened!!!
Spain...Portugal...France...England were worked.
Then I had a call from:
Azores, Islands
I quickly turned the 7 element that direction, and completed the contact!
Then once the antenna was turned MORE CALLS!
Canary Islands
Madeira Island
St Helena Island... All off the Coast of Africa.
To complete the contact on St. Helena Island, I moved the antenna a little more to South.
Then right at the noise threshold, I heard a very strange callsign. I called again using the partial I had heard.
Then pulled the callsign at just above the threshold and returned call again, and a reply with the callsign I was using and my signal report and Zone location was acknowledged followed by their Zone location and complete callsign again to make sure I copied all info correctly.
We completed!!!!
Here's where!!!
First Contact ever with that country!
I was so pumped after that run, I had to take a short break before returning to 15 meters.
I hope the Bands Gods were equally giving to all!
I'll have more reports on the CQWW Contest thread, when I get time.
All the Best