That is awesome, maybe I won't need a beam if I can get my Vector higher.Put my antenna up a little higher. it's now 120 feet to where the coax attaches to the bottom of the Antron 99.
Here is who I spoke to today on Ch 20 AM
755 Radio Venezuela
13 Hawaii
79 Central California
White Cat Los Angeles, California
Luey Luey Barstow, California
946 Bakersfield, California
0142 Bakersfield, California
Night Stalker Long Beach, California
Blue Star Long Beach, California
Top Shelf, Southern, California
233 Mohave, California
552 Uncle Charlie, California
Mr Nobody # 16 (2 days in a row) Sacramento, California
running my Cobra 29LX thru my FatBoy 1X6 with my speech compressor D-104 TUG-8 stand. Audio-ing from the Big Bam.
Trainman stepping..........
Had the Bearcat BC785D running all day while I did some stuff around the house. Heard a lot of Spanish speaking channels on AM. I wish the scanner could switch to side band mode and if it could do it automatically, that would be great. When it picks up CH 38 and the others, I get the Donald Duck. The Donald Ducking got really frequent a few minuets ago, so I turned on the Stryker 955 and heard 133 Mexico calling on 38 LSB. I called to him a few times as he was talking to Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. I heard him call my numbers and then got lost in the mix. I called back but no dice.
So after a while I switched to 37LSB and heard someone calling DX from "South America Brazil" so I called back and as he replied, he got lost in the mix. I called him a few more times but he was gone. So I went to 36LSB and called DX and on my second call, the guy from Brazil returned.
He is operator "Johnny" from Sao Paulo, 3SF044 and we had a great QSO. His English was very good but still struggled for words at times. Lucky for me, my wife was standing there and was able to help me out with his accent. I found myself maybe talking faster than I wanted, because the amplifier kept wanting to unkey. I have a PTT box with a button that keys the radio with the rack gear. Time to hook it up to the amplifier too, that will probably be my next project.
This has been my furthest contact to date. Looking forward to more DX as conditions improve. I have to get my beam up before the weather gets any colder.
And I was hearing 391 Bahamas and 129 Jamaica at that time.About 4 to 5 pm today think i heard brazil too,was busy on a hunnydo bs project
there is hope ahead for moreAnd I was hearing 391 Bahamas and 129 Jamaica at that time.
dangi see who is hoardin ammo now