Until tonight, I hadn't even been down in the shack for over a week. Last weekend in the Med to see our 5 year old granddaughter perform in her first musical. All school kids 5 thru 17. She sang and danced with the pre-K kids. When the entire group danced to Michael Jackson's "THRILLER", She was the only Pre-K kid who had the entire dance routine nailed 100%. She brought down the house.
Then this last week spent 9 hours a day replacing the roof panels, tar paper, and shingles on the farm house. Finished up today, and after cleanup, I showered, headed to the shack and fired up the base. It was well after dark (6:30pm), and everything was dead or totally in the mud. Still, I was able to have two good QSOs: First, with WR532, Gordon, out of Seattle. Anytone Quad 6 into an amp and then to an A99. Hitting me with a solid 7 on 39LSB. Nice 10 minute conversation until he started to fade in/out.
Second was 338Mobile, Rocky, out of Cheyenne Wyoming. Stryker 99, Messenger M800 amp, Sirio P5000 Mag Mount Antenna on his Chevy PU truck. 7 - 9 on the meter with LOUD audio. Also 39LSB. We talked for almost 35 minuted until I started fading out on him. 7:35 pm.
It's funny how almost all of my late evening QSOs are from the Northwest Corner. I suppose it's because they still have a little sunlight there at that time.
I will be on the air tomorrow from about noon (our time EST) on Chans 37 to 44, NO 38. Hope to catch you guys there. 73.
- 399 J.J.