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11 meter is very quiet?

Mr 399 JJ is about all i have heard this week. sets off my bct7 AM scanner on .375 every time. just him and the guy in Houston holding down .385 for a few hours at a time. California came in 2 days ago, along with the news clips and music on .385. i sure am gonna miss all the folks in the south east, if they fade away like they did last year. just enjoying k-po dx5000 from Scott's radio not blinding me like the crt 6900v did. enjoy the weekend out there folks
It's on & off rain here also for 3 days and probably DX also. Cleaning my house in the rainy days but the old Cobra 2000 is turned on Loud and I hear it come & go like the rain. In the mean time I'm thinking of my next best move to get ready for Fall and hopefully the return of DX. Dream On Little Dreamer ! Gotta think about getting equipment ready for winter also !
Finally made the connection with 399 from Colombia. You were sounding great up in British Columbia JJ ! up to S7 at times. Amazing strength considering it's a distance of 4,152 miles.
A little QRM from the Mexican taxi dispatchers on the channel, but 100% copy for the duration of the QSO.
399 JJ was booming into central Mississippi on 27.375 around 12:45 pm today. He was hitting me at 20 over the majority of the time and sounding good. I made several attempts to to get back to him, but no luck. I was able to make contact with 266 in Edmonton Alberta Canada this morning which is around 2300 miles from my QTH. DX conditions are something else. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
Finally made the connection with 399 from Colombia. You were sounding great up in British Columbia JJ ! up to S7 at times. Amazing strength considering it's a distance of 4,152 miles.
A little QRM from the Mexican taxi dispatchers on the channel, but 100% copy for the duration of the QSO.
Great to finally QSO with you Coyote ! Your station was hitting me 5-7 on my stingy meter. I was pointed North and I heard 23 British Columbia come out of the pile. Swung the antenna in your direction and "presto", loud and clear. Like you said, Supurb hookup especially considering the distance. Looking forward to talking to you again soon. 73 my friend.

- J.J. 399
Excellent day for Dxing. After getting all of our animals fed, I got on the air at 11 AM. 37 LSB was rocking and I made one contact after another. Highlight of the day was my first contact with BC Coyote in British Columbia. Called for WDX stations off and on all day but no luck. Maybe better luck tomorrow.
My contact scratch pad for today.

- J.J. 399
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Excellent day for Dxing. After getting all of our animals fed, I got on the air at 11 AM. 37 LSB was rocking and I made one contact after another. Highlight of the day was my first contact with BC Coyote in British Columbia. Called for WDX stations off and on all day but no luck. Maybe better luck tomorrow.
My contact scratch pad for today.

- J.J. 399
View attachment 69864
Hey JJ
I was at the cabin today about 22 k above Peahland B.C had the radio on at my luch break was scanning and heard your conversation with MC 1 spun both beams your way s9 all the way ....you had a busy day !
Just got off the air a few minutes ago,made contact with Washington State and Alberta, Canada,38 LSB was pretty busy with a lot of operators out there, tried to call out to Brother Dxer on 37 and 39 in hopes I might make contact with him,but no dice at the moment, might be back on later today, Conditions were shifting as of a little bit ago,hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!

Great conditions again here today! I am juggling cutting firewood with talking on the radio LOL! I really should be focusing on the wood...........:unsure:

38 is a wall of noise, but I made several contacts on 37 and then moved down to 26.805 FM and made several more down there including to Maine, Wisconsin, Ontario and Mexico.
Lots of interesting stuff coming in on 555 as well.
If only the darn wood would cut itself! :LOL:
Just got off the air a few minutes ago,made contact with Washington State and Alberta, Canada,38 LSB was pretty busy with a lot of operators out there, tried to call out to Brother Dxer on 37 and 39 in hopes I might make contact with him,but no dice at the moment, might be back on later today, Conditions were shifting as of a little bit ago,hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!

Hey Steve.. I didn't have the radio on as much as I'd hoped today. About 30 minutes this morning, then again from around 2:45 to right now... 3:45 central.
As I write this, 010 Hawaii is still booming in! We had a nice qso a few minutes ago. Also had a qso with BC Coyote. I need to send him an invoice for a new speaker.
I also heard JJ doing all the good out there as well. I couldn't seem to make that trip today.
I just started hearing Australia coming in...

San Fran and the Saints will be playing @ 7 my time. No more radio then.... :ROFLMAO:

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