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11 meter is very quiet?

Hey Steve.. I didn't have the radio on as much as I'd hoped today. About 30 minutes this morning, then again from around 2:45 to right now... 3:45 central.
As I write this, 010 Hawaii is still booming in! We had a nice qso a few minutes ago. Also had a qso with BC Coyote. I need to send him an invoice for a new speaker.
I also heard JJ doing all the good out there as well. I couldn't seem to make that trip today.
I just started hearing Australia coming in...

San Fran and the Saints will be playing @ 7 my time. No more radio then.... :ROFLMAO:
No problem Brother Dxer, Maybe next time my Friend,I'm watching a really good documentary on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War at the moment, have a great time watching the game, take Care and God Bless you and your Family!!

Jamaica was a big player today and once I gave up on the base stations and decided to go for groceries the McKinley swung into action. First time I ever heard Oregon in any of my radios & then Southern California come blasting in like it was next door. Never heard anything out of Texas, Florida or the rest of the South which usually comes in here. Crazy day for sure but good to hear the radio alive an well !
Great conditions again here today! I am juggling cutting firewood with talking on the radio LOL! I really should be focusing on the wood...........:unsure:

38 is a wall of noise, but I made several contacts on 37 and then moved down to 26.805 FM and made several more down there including to Maine, Wisconsin, Ontario and Mexico.
Lots of interesting stuff coming in on 555 as well.
If only the darn wood would cut itself! :LOL:
easy cure.shut radio off cut wood or be cold this winter.
i opened my baby saw up n put new gas line in it.dealer said $125 for fix and ms 170 stihl is $199. i gave $25 for line n filter. took 15 minutes to do the whole job. got my huge husqvarna out n started it for first time in 3 years. i remembered to pull compression release a second after it kicked n slammed my fingers into the case.second pull it started
Got on at 2:30 in the PM. Lots of DX from all over. At 5pm I could still hear a lot of stations, but no one could hear me. Tried again after 7pm, and same result. I could hear, but wasn't getting out to anybody. Peanut whistle station in the evening for the past 3 days. :( :(

J.J. 399
Well not wishing bad luck on anyone but good to see I'm not alone with radio frustration. I don't have as much experience as some so sometimes I think maybe I expect too much out of my radios as far as if I can hear them I want to reach out and connect to them. I know I probably don't have my radios tuned and synced as well as they could be due to my lack of training & experience but I'm working on it. LOL
Got on at 2:30 in the PM. Lots of DX from all over. At 5pm I could still hear a lot of stations, but no one could hear me. Tried again after 7pm, and same result. I could hear, but wasn't getting out to anybody. Peanut whistle station in the evening for the past 3 days. :( :(
Hey JJ I heard you calling around that time yesterday but couldn't get back to you. Also heard several stations out of the midwest hollering at you around the same time. So you were definately getting out!

Really amazing conditions here again yesterday....... and today it's totally dead; nothing but static right now. Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug LOL!
last nite incoming was strong outgoing bad. i shut er off at 1130 n listened to a deputy sheriff who was cornered by a dearranged bull on a road. he was in a tree with his walkie talkie. im sure when the others decided he was safe in the tree they took their time getting there. couple had a snicker in their voices

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