Pins 7 and 8 are for the 10.24 MHz oscillator crystal. Pin 7 has a 18pf capacitor to ground on it. Pin 8 has a 10pf cap.
The test lead you touch to either of these pins probably places an additional 20 to 50 pf or more into that crystal-oscillator circuit.
This is nearly guaranteed to throw the crystal off frequency.
Until you remove the probe.
If that crystal is off frequency, you will find that the spacing between channels is what it affects.
If you look at the counter and change from channel 1 to channel 2, the difference should be exactly 10 kHz. In real life, it will be off by just a little.
Now check how close the difference in frequency between channel 39 and channel 40 is to 10 kHz.
Should be the exact, same tiny error you saw switching between channels 1 and 2.
This is what that crystal controls in this model, the spacing between channels. And nothing else.