Oops, that's the toughest kind of problem to diagnose and track down, an "accidental" failure.
The things that just "go bad" on their own are easier to recognize, because you'll see the same breakdowns over and over.
The first thing to look for are any signs of "life".
Are the channel digits lit?
Is the transmit/receive light green, like it should be?
Does the S-meter kick around on channel chatter? If it does, this would make your wiring to the mike socket look like it wasn't put back exactly right. If there is no S-meter activity, you have created some kind of (unintended) 'collateral' damage to a part of the radio that is NOT part of the mike-socket wiring.
Since at least two wires have to come off of the mike socket, that's the place to look first. If you didn't intend to remove the beep while installing it, you might not have kept exact notes about where the wires go when you put them back.
If you can borrow another 148 that came from the same factory, it would give you a picture of where all the wires that you took loose should go.
And if it was made in a different factory, the wire colors may very well NOT match from yours to the other radio.
NOBODY has ever published service data that had the correct wire colors for EACH of the dozen-plus versions of that radio from the last 27 years of production.