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2 year old Pristine Galaxy 2547 for $100


Jan 29, 2006
Posting this for a friend in San Antonio who is looking to unload his 2 year old original owner 2547. Everything works as designed. He just doesn't like it, but you may.

If this violates forum policy, let me know and I will remove.
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"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." ~Grandma

I have a friend with one of these, was his favorite radio until he tried it on side band and realized it drifted like a river barge. He never talks ssb, so he didn't notice the drift and instability on am, but his side band reports caused him to shelf it. I hear those rigs do that, but I've never used one or been inside, so I can't comment further on that.

If it's a local, I'd go check it out. To me, $100 is a great price, even if it needs some stabilization effort. But craigslist gets a bad rap for no safety mechanisms in place or buyer protection, so that's a red flag to me. Proceed with caution, watch your step.
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Posting this for a friend in San Antonio who is looking to unload his 2 year old original owner 2547. Everything works as designed. He just doesn't like it, but you may.

If this violates forum policy, let me know and I will remove.
That's a steal! If he was local to me I'd go pick it up!
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"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." ~Grandma

I have a friend with one of these, was his favorite radio until he tried it on side band and realized it drifted like a river barge. He never talks ssb, so he didn't notice the drift and instability on am, but his side band reports caused him to shelf it. I hear those rigs do that, but I've never used one or been inside, so I can't comment further on that.

If it's a local, I'd go check it out. To me, $100 is a great price, even if it needs some stabilization effort. But craigslist gets a bad rap for no safety mechanisms in place or buyer protection, so that's a red flag to me. Proceed with caution, watch your step.
LOL like I said, he is my friend and I have never known him to be anything other than straight up. If I thought there was a chance that he would misrepresent the radio or the situation, I wouldn't risk my reputation on the forum by posting this.

My friend is an audiophile and retired Radio broadcaster. He is very picky about his equipment/gear. I believe there was something with the 2547's audio that he didn't like; if you like the 2547, chances are you will be fine - it is working correctly. I have never had one and if I didn't already own 30+ radios, we wouldn't be talking about it...

@Cable Guy - it sounds like you are speaking from experience. I am sorry to hear that.
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Sorry. My limited experience with these chassis means I must make decisions on hear-say from assumed reliable sources. I overlooked the friend angle, I don't think you would burn anyone and I believe that he is honest. I would like one of these to play with. Do you think he would ship? If so, I would buy it. I've always liked the look of them.
Sorry. My limited experience with these chassis means I must make decisions on hear-say from assumed reliable sources. I overlooked the friend angle, I don't think you would burn anyone and I believe that he is honest. I would like one of these to play with. Do you think he would ship? If so, I would buy it. I've always liked the look of them.
I can't speak for Rick, but I know that he and I think alike when it comes to shipping and risking damage to the radio. He knows it is a great price, but he really doesn't want to have to ship it, and he hopes someone local will get it.

If you are seriously considering it, contact him and ask. Maybe offer to sweeten the deal to get him past his reluctance to ship.
I already own a DX 2547 I bought new and will say that it isn't a top shelf radio but for $100 bucks you could afford to spend a couple bucks in it to iron out any wrinkles. I've spent $250 bucks for a new radio I consider Crap that needs more work. My DX 2547 has only the clarifier unlocked and as soon as DX starts rolling better I'll be putting it thru it's paces to see if I want to add Extra channels. I know my Cobra 2000 with extra channels is a great radio at the moment but it is only a matter of time before I have to dump money into it plus shipping. Seeing I don't have the skills for electronic repair I want to run my DX 2547 until either it or I Blow and I'm only 9 days until 74 YO so I'll probably be the first to go. LOL
"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." ~Grandma
And we should all know to listen to Grandma. Or go cut a switch!:oops: .. :ROFLMAO:

As for my 2547, it's paired with the kl503hd and runs great. Does it drift? Of course it does, but only very slightly. I've never head it drift so bad that someone had to let me know. And I also use a monitor radio, just so I'll know what it's doing.
They are very over priced for a new one. I can't help but think about all the things I could buy for the price of a new 2547!! So if you can find a good used one, buy it.
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It may offend some but I would take a 2547 over a Cobra 2000. Its a lot easier to get them clean and loud. Extra channels with just 2 switches.
Thank you that is encouraging info because I bought the 2547 because I was tired after buying 2 wore out old Uniden 3 button Washington s. But that was 2-3 years ago when skip wasn't really rolling so it got put on the back burner. And now I would like to make it shine. And Brother DX is correct The 2547 is over-priced when you buy it new but at the time it was the only 11 meter base station you could buy. That's why if I lived next to that $100 dollar base I would Snatch it up in a heart beat
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