Some AM broadcast stations use FM remote links in that frequency range.Can Anyboby ID this radio station, seems to coming out of San Loraedo TX
but logged different call letters on the breaks: KLZE,WQPY and KLVE all
on the same station and I'm sure there are more
STLs are illegal to monitor but some stations will confirm reception reports with a QSL card.
HUNH??!! Illegal to listen too? Got proof? They carry the same content that is meant for broadcast to the general population. Why would it be illegal to listen too? Most of them are carried on regular VHF/UHF frequencies that you can pick up on a scanner although some have gone to 960 MHz or 1.7 GHz and are digital. I thought the only radio comms illegal to monitor were cellular phones.
I'm sure it's probably different Up in Canada but that was included in the ECPA of 1986 ... if you want proof, I'll dig it up.