Old Thread,
Maybe might catch 399's attention I have several 858 radios. Just picked up for $20.
A Washington Base two push buttons 858 chip. Replaced the 1307. Replaced the AMC diode limiter that had been cut. She works !
Still a Golden Screwdriver but getting better fast. What do you think of this transistor
to replace the venerable 2SC1730L.
MPSA18 Low noise very high gain NPN Transistor
TO92 case
Pd 625mw
Vceo 45V
Imax 200ma
Hfe 500-1000 @.1ma to 10ma
Ft 100Mhz
Low Noise 1.5 dBing
High gain and low noise to currents as low as 10 uA, good from low level audio to 33MHz
Estimate at 27 MHZ LN is 1.2
Or how about this circuit using 2 BC347 ? The last picture not the below one.
Right is base. Top is emiter. Bottom is collector.
My purpose is to experiment & see if I can make distant stations a bit louder.
An original real 2sc2999 has only worked for me on 2 Gallaxy 959s that I refurbished.
Other radios. The original was better.
BC347 1x worked in a Uniden PC78. The original was better. Now i'm thinking how about 2.