Thanks a lot !
399 you obviously know how to read the spec sheets of these transistors. What about the above circuit using a pair of BC347 ? It is hard and to match up transistors. The circuit above with resistors matches the BC347's.
Now that I think of it. Pairing 2 2sc1370L !
I have been BURNED a few times on FleaBay. Fake transistors. Some US Sellers with N.O.S. But it comes out to a Buck per Transistor. A bit steep.
Figure you mean Amazon. Not Craigslist.
Sooo many transistors. So little Time LOL.
Ok I'm trying to learn Quick.
"Practically, experiments show that the levels of AC current gain β(ac) and DC current gain β(dc) are more or less equal in their magnitudes and therefore become quite interchangeable. Generally the AC and DC betas tend to have similar magnitudes at lower levels of I(ceo)."
What am I missing ? Ah the published ratings are at the top end of the Mhz parameter?
So what is a simple formula to guess the AC HFE gain at 27 MHZ.
I have a bunch of BC548-549 that I use to make a simple compressor board that works.
The audio power mod I posted in the other thread works by the way.
Getting great audio reports on SSB from Skip stations."trc 457" 858 Chassis.
Eventually will hook up my new used Oscilliscope to check waveforms of the Modulation.
Next purchase. Curve tracer. then a 100 MHZ spectrum analyser LOL !
Best 73s Thanks for taking the time out to respond.