I have a Uniden Washington base with a Digi-Scan. Noisy and susectible to Splash big time.
Yes. What I am trying to do is find a transistor with low noise and high gain
superior to the 2sc1730L in a TO-92 package if possible. Might not be.
Now that you mention "8719" chassis. Today will "Shotky diode" this Washington Base.
Going to try this Mod. on the Washington 8719.
Please do not make fun of me if I missed something. At least I try !
I like the radio due to the Digi-Scan. I did a PE Mod. Good talker AM and SSB.
with a stock mic. Will try my other Mics soon when I get the Mic adaptors. Too lazy
to swap the 5 pin male to four pin.
Sort of fixed an issue. With a 2sc2166 driving a 2sc1969 would not deadkey past 2 Watts. Switched to a 1306 driving 2sc2078.
Adjusted bias. Then to spec 4 watts.
HERE is My Receive MOD. Tired of being Splashed by Skip Stations.
You know you have to do something when a Guy in Alberta Canada with a Moon
Raker 14 a few hundred whiskeys is bleeding unto the channel your on.
And your ten channels away ! And two thousand miles away !
Many years ago Many. My first solid state radio was the Venerable Cobra 148.
Purchased from CBC International. 455KHZ filterKit & 7.8MHZ filter Kit.
Made a difference. CBC no longer stocks these kits. My 148 was stolen decades ago.
Going to recreate the 455KHZ filter . With new sharper tighter Muratas 2.4 K
Going to try it. Will post whether it works or not on a later date.
I'm going to use the SSB ladder Filter. 7.8MHZ probably 2.4KHZ from a Cobra 138
that was not restorable. As an IF filter on the 8719 Chassis. My Washington.
CBC would not give me the schematic for the 455KHZ filter. Figured it out.
Its on a Bread Board. The Op Amp. preceding the filter is the basic CBC Op Amp
design of the 7.8 & 10.695 Filters. The 138 did not have F2 to canabalize that part.
F2 on a 858 Chassis base is what helps greatly in preventing bleed over. Alas.Mobile
versions were castrated apparently. F2 is a Monolithic Filter 7.8MHZ 2 Pole.
The filter I will try today is a SSB filter that is quite narrow at 7.8MHZ 2.4KHZ I figure.
Most likely 6 or 8 pole? Alright first coffee . A cigarette. Then try this.
It might need another OP Amp stage after the Filter.
Might have to change the 3904 to a 2sc1730. It might not work at all.
Will Post Back ! Keep forgetting to call Uniden. Doubt it if there are any more.
73s John