I was on 14.194.7 yesterday morning on my way to work and worked the DXpedition to Rodrigues Island in the Indian Ocean located at 19.6 S 63.5 E.The catch was I was only using 100 watts and a Lakeview Hamstick only 8 feet long and it was LONG PATH! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=""> 15,000 miles.From here it's 9,000 the short way but at 8:00am local time a long path was open and he was working the pacific and North America.I got a 5 9 and things were good.Funny how most of my really good DX is from the mobile.Maybe I spend too much time on the road.
Garth 9VE01 PE993 CDX993 Learn from others mistakes.You can not live long enough to make them all yourself.</p>