I had time for only a few minutes of radio, and had some good conditions for a while, but a little odd.
Sideband seemed to work from the West to NNW for me, and AM seemed to work from the East and NNE.
The crazy person doing the repeating monologue was Southeast of me so it was easy to rotate him out of my receive.
I didn't record all the contacts that came back to me because of fading, thunder storm activity in my area, and some pileups.
Recorded contacts were:
WC530 W Colorado
1152 Wyoming
2547 N Colorado Skipwalker
4453 Denver
I didn't record any of the AM contacts.
I apologize to the Indiana, Buckeye, WV, and Carolinas contacts for the lapse.
183 Country Preacher heard you.
Sideband seemed to work from the West to NNW for me, and AM seemed to work from the East and NNE.
The crazy person doing the repeating monologue was Southeast of me so it was easy to rotate him out of my receive.
I didn't record all the contacts that came back to me because of fading, thunder storm activity in my area, and some pileups.
Recorded contacts were:
WC530 W Colorado
1152 Wyoming
2547 N Colorado Skipwalker
4453 Denver
I didn't record any of the AM contacts.
I apologize to the Indiana, Buckeye, WV, and Carolinas contacts for the lapse.
183 Country Preacher heard you.