**** re-post from earlier thread on the same subject ****
Found this mod in an old GE A model we bought at a yard sale.
GE was rusted out dead beyond repair it had been in a wet barn for decades.
But built a new circuit as above and put it in a working cybernet base radio.
And it works real good, put radio on channel 32 and it transmits on every channel from 23 to 40 at the same time. Never had so much fun with a dollars worth of parts.
Local ham wanted to know how the heck I did it. Told him I pulled the channel knob off and attached a power drill to the shaft and pulled the trigger. The funny thing was I think he believed me LOL
Not sure of how such a simple circuit works, i'm an electrician and radio tinkerer but no technician. Will forward this thread to our tech for an explanation if no-one can tell me how it does what it does.
Its not a fully wideband transmission though. Listening on a ham rig with a vfo and tuning up and down shows that the duplicated channels are only every 10K, i.e. you cant hear the transmission on 27.360 but you can on 27.355 and 27.365 megs.
The mod also works on reception. Put radio on channel 32 and you can hear conversations on every channel from 23 to 40 at the same time. But nothing is received when the ham radio rig transmits on a zero frequency such as 27.360 megs. Strange.
Any explanation how this thing works without getting too technical?