Once these storms pass here Ill plug all the antennas in and give it a wirl. What frequency is all the action at or is all accross 6 meters?
50.110 USB sounds like PSK31 lol cant hear nada
but there is people talking on 49.830 but cant make it out. not sure if that is 6m?
I was getting all the DX on 6 with my antron 99 which surprized me. Made a contact to Florida but everyone I was hearing was on a horizontal antenna so I think I just gor lucky with that contact. Every station I heard was at least 59 or better. I got to get a loop up.
"which is what causes your noise level of SWR to elevate when you are trying to listen."
This is a new concept, I am interested please explain. I am here to learn.
"That is the reason why Television signals are horizontally polarized"
More times than not you find BOTH polarities are being transmitted.
It was not that the band conditions was(were) is proper "Queen's" Language correct?) open, it was that there were more people available to talk to
This is new also, please explain since propagation has nothing to do with band conditions. How does this work?
Looking forward to your reply.
All the Best
So, is it just me that detects contradiction between the content of post #12 and #15? Band conditions (propagation) has nothing to do with why you can hear DX, yet the 'explanation' given talks about propagation.
I'm also interested in learning what 'your noise level of SWR' is...