I downloaded a quad java script and started making a quad for 6 meters. 52.525 to be exact. It caled for 59 inches per quad side. OK. i'm trying to get the quad drive element adjusted before i go on to the reflector and directors. Using a reg. cb swr meter i get 3 to 1 on 50.000 and 5 to 1 on 53.425. This tells me to shorten the quad. Problem is when i do nothing happens. So i changed to a vertical that has been pre-cut at about 54 inches and has been working. I decided to check swr with the vertical. Same swr readings. My question is will a cb swr meter read 6 meters? It calibrates and seems to read. I'm a little puzzled.Any ideas?
161 three eyed shooting in the dark!!!
Oh yeah i'm direct feeding the drive element and i know that the impedance is not at 50 ohms and i guess i should probably wait until i have all four elements built and on the boom to adjust the swr but i just can't understand why i can't change the swr even though i'm shortening the element. I'm always getting into something!!
161 three eyed shooting in the dark!!!