while the rci5054 is EXACTLY the same as the 29xx radios, i found it totally DIFFERENT-in a good way. i had mine for 2 years, and like wavrider said, when 6 is NOT open, 6 is NOT fun. but when it is, the 5054 was absolutely a BLAST! i found it TO ME to be quieter then the 29xx's, very good ears-very sensitive, very selective, easy to operate, good sound on the receive, quality audio reports, an honest 100+ watts......should i go on? i replaced it with an older ic551d, and fortunately didn't dump the rci......i think it may have been 'better'. i finally moved it on after getting a 706mk2g,and even that was a tough call and i STILL think the 5054 may have been better on 6! i think my 746pro is finally better on 6 then the rci.
as for 6m, sometime in the next 4 or 5 weeks, you'd probably get some use out of it during the occasional winter e skip season, then cover it up til late may. at least with a 'real' hf+vhf rig you can have some fun on 10m.....while the sun continues to cooperate.