In my living room watch Deadliest Catch.
Just tuned the 6m yagi the other day in preparation of getting things installed before winter. It is now sitting by the shop waiting to get the 13B2's tuned, then the A3WS assembled and tuned and THEN the Explorer-14 assembled and tuned.
I got the tuning close on the 6m antenna but I think it can stand another tweak.
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Get it better - HOW?
If you were playing with a CB radio, where the whole shooting match took place on less than 1/2 of 1 MHz, then you would be looking for a low SWR somewhere in the middle of the band. Somewhere around channel 19. When you only have a couple of legal watts to play with, then you have to be a little conservative with the power you got.
When you can play with as much as 1500 watts on 6 meters, then what does it matter?
As long as your SWR is less than 2:1 everywhere on the band where you intend to operate, low SWR really doesn't matter, and because amateur radio is not channelized, there is no perfect frequency to tune to for 6 meters.
Most radio calling frequencies are somewhere around the center of the band.
If you intended to operate both CW and Phone, then 50.125 would be a good starting point. But as far as I can see, the band plan has gone out the window with the digital morons that decided that their allotment of frequency was not enough, and they have moved up to somewhere around 50.276 MHz - running mostly JT 65. Why I haven't been able to figure out.
There is no reason, other than vanity to try to achieve 1:1 on 6 meters on an exact frequency, unless that is the one frequency you plan to camp out on.
My homemade 5 element antenna showed a VSWR of 3:1 at 50.125 MHz and I made hundreds of contacts with it with just 50 watts. With low loss cable, the loss rate even at 3:1 VSWR isn't anything to worry about.
Since noise is inverse the square of the frequency, and 50 MHz is higher in frequency than 10 meters, power is less relevant than it is on 10, which is less relevant than power is on 10 compared to 20 meters.
I think power isn't really a factor until you get up into 75 or 80 meters..
If I had my choice between power and height, I would take height every time.