I spend most nights and really early mornings on 3.843.00 now there is a padded room group but there pretty good guys but at times they get a lttle to out of hand then I sandbag and laugh laugh laugh
Yarrrggggh, So ye be a fan of the Possum Net aye matey? I happen to know the Head Possum, Headly O. Possum, personally. You think he's funny on the radio? You should know him in person. A....most unique character and a great old friend. Haven't seen him in many several years as I've moved away and I can't stay up late enough to join in on the net. Have to get up at 4:30 to be a work at 5:30. Can't even stay up that late on weekends. Jebus! Maybe when I retire in about 12 years hopefully...maybe then I can join in on the late night 75M NuttyNets
Yarrrggggh, So ye be a fan of the Possum Net aye matey? I happen to know the Head Possum, Headly O. Possum, personally. You think he's funny on the radio? You should know him in person. A....most unique character and a great old friend. Haven't seen him in many several years as I've moved away and I can't stay up late enough to join in on the net. Have to get up at 4:30 to be a work at 5:30. Can't even stay up that late on weekends. Jebus! Maybe when I retire in about 12 years hopefully...maybe then I can join in on the late night 75M NuttyNets
Hey MIG, Well that's some interesting sentiment coming from " Nu Friggin' Joisey" eh? And surely the hillbillies and rednecks feel the same way about them thar damm yankees. The part about groups operating on a regular frequency is merely long standing custom and tradition. Might as well get used to it for that is the way it is. There are all types on ham radio just as anywhere or anything else. We can't all fit in everywhere and ham radio is no exception. Find a group you like and try to join them. Avoid the ones that turn you off. Spin the dial and don't let it bother you. If stuff like this bothers anyone....it's their own fault. In this way ham radio is like ebay or the stock market. It can be compared to a game. Learn the way the game is played in your area and play it...or go do something else.
Dudes, what reoccuring useless drivel. Sit around and listen to something you don't like on the radio, ham...CB...anywhere....and then go to forums and complain about it. You are showing yourselves to be idiots for listening to something you claim you don't like. What 's up with that ?