I've posted a few questions about my a99 and it's lack of hight. This is the non penetrating roof mount that my antennas mounted too. I wss told by the seller I purchased this mount from that the 5' mast that's part of the mount was not intended to have any extra masts added and it was not recommended that anything but a tv dish be attached to the top of it's 5' mast. Being this is held down with eight synder blocks and it wasnt going on top of my roof but flat on the ground in my back yard. I ignored the instructions/advice of the seller not adding extra masts was ignored. There's two more 5' mssts added and one more going up in a few days. From the feedback I've received this last 5' will be a waste. If I achieve my a better incoming receive it will have been worth it. If not, oh well! I recall my very first post asking if sn a99 installed on 10' of mast from the ground would work? Some answered no some said judt go for it and, I did. I'm glad I listened to the go for it answers as it workrd. Great? the swr was low and I talked all over the world. I've since added another 5" and did notice a slight recive increase. One more 5' going up any day now and my inspiration for adding the final mast wss the one's that originally said go for it. I've learned that unless one tries something even if the consensus is it's not going to make a difference one will never know. The worst that can happen is that my a99 will be 5' higher with no intended improvement.