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alignment for RCI 2950


missouri 69

who would be best to send this radio to for an alighnment??

Recieve is all right but think that an alignment would make it better..

any suggestions??




who would be best to send this radio to for an alighnment??

Recieve is all right but think that an alignment would make it better..

any suggestions??



On a 2950 with dual VCOs, I would make sure it goes to someone that knows what they are doing. I'm not saying send it to us, and only us, but make sure that the shop has an RCI service manual, and is familiar with the proper alignment procedure. ASK TO SEE IT A lot of the 2950 radios that I see in for "repair" were taken elsewhere first, and only need to be aligned properly, and there is nothing really wrong with the radio. Also ask the exact question "Can you change my KIA semiconductors in the radio to the TDA-7310 package" If they give you a blank stare, or ask why, they aren't familiar with the radio enough. If they don't have a good signal generator, scope, freq counter (para dynamics built into a watt meter don't count) and a decent watt meter, they have no business inside a radio. These are some things from a technical point of view that I would look for.

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On a 2950 with dual VCOs, I would make sure it goes to someone that knows what they are doing. I'm not saying send it to us, and only us, but make sure that the shop has an RCI service manual, and is familiar with the proper alignment procedure. ASK TO SEE IT A lot of the 2950 radios that I see in for "repair" were taken elsewhere first, and only need to be aligned properly, and there is nothing really wrong with the radio. Also ask the exact question "Can you change my KIA semiconductors in the radio to the TDA-7310 package" If they give you a blank stare, or ask why, they aren't familiar with the radio enough. If they don't have a good signal generator, scope, freq counter (para dynamics built into a watt meter don't count) and a decent watt meter, they have no business inside a radio. These are some things from a technical point of view that I would look for.

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No problem, we don't answer e-mails every day, you can send a quick e-mail to: [email]fgbestcom@aol.com[/email] and they will get back to you within a couple days. I'll call them right now on 2 meters, and let them know to please check it, and get back to you. The price for a genral service though, not including shipping to you is $40.00. If you want the high performance then it is $80.00. Also, if you like you can always call us, 909-605-1144.

Diesel: The package refers to an Ic chip actually, another name for an IC chip can be IC pacgage. RCI for a while was using the KIA chips in their radios, and they didn't perform as well as the origional TDA IC's. ANY time I see a radio with the KIA chips, and they are getting the high performance, I switch them over, and then re-align the radio. In fact, a little secret, when alot of the 2990, 2950, and 2970 radios act funny, alot of the time it can be solved by just doing this.

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No problem, we don't answer e-mails every day, you can send a quick e-mail to: [email]fgbestcom@aol.com[/email] and they will get back to you within a couple days. I'll call them right now on 2 meters, and let them know to please check it, and get back to you. The price for a genral service though, not including shipping to you is $40.00. If you want the high performance then it is $80.00. Also, if you like you can always call us, 909-605-1144.

Diesel: The package refers to an Ic chip actually, another name for an IC chip can be IC pacgage. RCI for a while was using the KIA chips in their radios, and they didn't perform as well as the origional TDA IC's. ANY time I see a radio with the KIA chips, and they are getting the high performance, I switch them over, and then re-align the radio. In fact, a little secret, when alot of the 2990, 2950, and 2970 radios act funny, alot of the time it can be solved by just doing this.

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