Minimal gain at 27 MHz
FCC rules severely restrict gain in the 11m (27MHz) band. This is frequency from 26-28 MHz.
The ALPHA 9500 has a unique design feature which makes achieving useful gain in this
frequency range impossible. At the input of the amplifier, the driving signal is sampled, and this
sample is applied to a frequency counter. The frequency of the driving signal can be determined
to within +/- 5kHz. The master microprocessor compares this frequency with a pre-programmed
table to determine whether to allow the unit to become fully functional. If it determines that the
frequency lies outside the allowable bands, the amplifier remains in Bypass mode, with the input
connected directly to the output. Thus the unit has 0 dB gain. There are a few ranges that are
blocked for purely technical reasons relating to the design of the product. The range 26-28 MHz
is specifically blocked, and the amplifier remains in bypass over this range. The operational
parameters are fixed by programming code and are not available to the user. Since the master
microprocessor is actually the frequency counter, there is no simple way for this feature to be
defeated without severely impacting other functions of the amplifier