~~ehhhhhh~~~just an early export radio. nothing spectacular, definitely not a real mb8719 cobra(or uniden for that matter). they served their purpose in the early 80's, mainly if you wanted to get below 26.815-the lower limit for a pll modded mb8719. xmit was decent as far as exports went back then. i will admit, after i started driving in the 70's, my johnson 4740-far superior to the exports that existed in that era, did get replaced with a host of hy-gain, 148gltdx, ss360 & eventually galaxy radios. as 'frills' were added, the quality of the radios went down and cost went up. poor build quality as well as receivers that were crap eventually pushed me to the mb8719's. most of todays 10/12 meter radios, while still 'junk', are better then the originals. BUT, sentimentality, reliving our youth, and 'retro' are the 'in-thing' of the 21st century. yup, life was easier 30 years ago......