I sometimes read that some guys will mount their antennas in trees - along side of the trunk. Like a Antron A 99 - for example. Sure, you can mount an antenna at the top of the tree - but not so close to any object. The antenna needs to be clear of the tree - and above it. Th radials can be touching. The best way to do this is to put the antenna on a 10 ft steel mast and mount the mast to the trunk. The entire antenna needs to clear of anything close by as well! I'm not saying that it won't work the other way - but performance has been greatly diminished. Since the antenna is the most important part of the radio system - maximize it's capability all you can.
Another one is too keep in mind that nearby objects within one full wavelength will also affect antenna performance.
Give it a free space - 36 ft in all directions if possible.
The more free space - the better the performance.
Does it have a chance to make its first ground bounce without being absorbed?
I'm sure others know of antenna compromising installation problems.
What have YOU learned lately?
Another one is too keep in mind that nearby objects within one full wavelength will also affect antenna performance.
Give it a free space - 36 ft in all directions if possible.
The more free space - the better the performance.
Does it have a chance to make its first ground bounce without being absorbed?
I'm sure others know of antenna compromising installation problems.
What have YOU learned lately?