I was thinking about doing some spray can camo painting of a tree top mounted antenna, I'm sure I'm not the first to have this idea, could this hurt the signal any
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I was thinking about doing some spray can camo painting of a tree top mounted antenna, I'm sure I'm not the first to have this idea, could this hurt the signal any
Please, Paint Away!, and...............
Well a pic now would be unpainted and nothing to post, if I do indeed paint one I will post for you to see (or not if I do it well)
One in crayon would work for Morse.
IMO Plasti-Dip is a better alternative to paint. It will hold up better to inclimate weather and UV, and if the antenna is fiberglass it will help to prevent it from splitting over time.
Use invisible paint, morse will enjoy looking at it and will be fascinated for hours.
And is 99% effective in preventing STD's.
Why not paint the tree to match the antenna?
I was thinking about doing some spray can camo painting of a tree top mounted antenna, I'm sure I'm not the first to have this idea, could this hurt the signal any