To complicate things just a little bit more, and keeping sort of 'practical' about the whole thing, the 'Little Wil' isn't a bad antenna. It doesn't have the abilities of other antennas, but depending on what you want/expect, it isn't a complete flop. If the difference in cost "ain't no thing", then try another antenna, why not? If cost is of some concern, then don't take my word (or anyone else's), try listening to someone else's antenna to hear the differences. The differences are there, but are they worth the cost? Beats me, you have to decide that since it's your 'pocket'.
There are some very general things about antennas that really are true (keeping in mind that any generalization is never completely true);
If it's ugly, it probably works pretty good.
Longer/taller is better than shorter/smaller.
'Looks' and performance have nothing to do with each other.
Every antenna works differently under differing circumstances/situations.
The only 'perfect' antenna is the next one you get, or the one you had two or three antennas ago.
Co$t is the worst indicator of performance.
- 'Doc
The 'best' antenna I ever had was that old one I broke and can't find anymore... rats.