Exactly what do you mean by "reflect"? There's some confusion with that word. It actually refers to the power being reflected back from the antenna because of an impedance mismatch, which is measured as SWR. The higher the amount of power being 'reflected' the higher the SWR. SWR is computed by the relationship between forward power and reflected power. So, if the SWR is low, then odds are that the amount of reflected power is also low. If it isn't then there's reactance present in the antenna and the SWR meter isn't telling the truth anyway.
So, what are you referring to when you say "reflect"? If you're talking about that mysterious 'reflection' thing that you hear batted around, then I have no idea what it is. I also think that the ones you hear talking about that stuff, and it's not related to SWR or a forward and reverse reading watt meter, they don't know what they are talking about either.
- 'Doc
(that's the nicest way I can think of to put it.)