Google search SDR TX RX Switch and you'll get plenty if hits for these boxes.
This is what you'll need so your SDR and Radio can share the same antenna! Check some reviews if possible to see what other users said about all of these models.
I have an older one made by ELAD which works well. Like many of the ones I see today are both RF sensing and also use a PTT line to protect the SDR during TX.
I prefer a PTT line but I have used just RF sensing and it works just as good.
Here's some pics below of a typical SDR-TX/RX box to give an idea how to hook one up. Many of them have SMA or BNC connectors for the SDR RX line so you need an adapter. I've used this one for my Icom-7000 which was a bit difficult to add an RF tap so I just used the antenna and RF in/outs for my SDR and relied on RF sensing. These one's may still be available online.
Using the MFJ box pictured below as a typical example how to hook one up,
Connect SDR antenna out to SDR REC in
Connect Radio antenna out to XCVR in
Connect Antenna to ANT jack
Connect PTT to Control (optional)
The AUX line on the MFJ models is a RX mute line (why?) and the DELAY is a screw adjustment to determine how fast or slow you want the RX to come on after TX.
First pic has S0-239 for the SDR input and second pic has a SMA connector for an SDR, otherwise both the same.