I've been reading up on antennas, waves, angles of transmit from different types/wave lengths of antenna, and how reception, and skip performance and distances can change, based on atmospheric conditions, etc, and that one type of antenna/wave length, may work best one day, but another antenna may work best the next day.
Question: Is it possible to cophase two styles/wave length antenna, if both are tuned individually, to ensure safe SWRs, etc, so as to have optimum rec/trans in most, but not all obviously, "conditions?" Example, a center loaded (one of my Wilson 2ks) and a top loaded fiberglass (my PC Quad) or other combo. Or, must both antenna be the same, or can an anteena switch work? I ask, because I believe base stations, and hammers use different styles/wave length antenna.
Please, no sarcasm. I've been using 10/11 meter mobile radios only the past 26 years, but relied mostly on "cb techs," most sadly seem to be chop shop and matchbook certificate techs, but have tried studying on things more, more so lately, broadening my knowledge more, as for antennas, coax, etc.
Thank you!
Question: Is it possible to cophase two styles/wave length antenna, if both are tuned individually, to ensure safe SWRs, etc, so as to have optimum rec/trans in most, but not all obviously, "conditions?" Example, a center loaded (one of my Wilson 2ks) and a top loaded fiberglass (my PC Quad) or other combo. Or, must both antenna be the same, or can an anteena switch work? I ask, because I believe base stations, and hammers use different styles/wave length antenna.
Please, no sarcasm. I've been using 10/11 meter mobile radios only the past 26 years, but relied mostly on "cb techs," most sadly seem to be chop shop and matchbook certificate techs, but have tried studying on things more, more so lately, broadening my knowledge more, as for antennas, coax, etc.
Thank you!