A friend gave me an antron 99 bottom and mid section. Can a 6`or 8`francis whip or firestickor even a 102 steel whip be used? Or would it be better to find a top section?
since the wire inside the sections is straight , could a 102 cut to the same length be used ? someone found a 99 in their stuff and gave it to me . the top section measures 69 1/2 inches from the top of the element to the bottom where it sits on the rest of the antenna (not including threads) .
The top element on my A99 is 72.25". I wonder why the difference BM?
Does your tip elements have a rubber cap with Antron printed on them?
sounds like someone cut some off to move it higher to the freeband area.
Cut it longer, and trim it down just like a mobile install is done. Gives you a lirttle more room for error.