Hi Everyone,
Just wondering if anyone else on here is an avid bowler? All of our alleys have been shut down for a while and we probably won't get to bowl for another 6 months. I'm missing it a lot.
I've been bowling league for 26 years and the current shutdown is really a bummer.
In my current arsenal -
Hammer Reactive Wheel (2004) - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/hammer/5298/wheel.html
RotoGrip DareDevil (2018) - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/roto-grip/13069/dare-devil.html
Radical Katana Dragon (2018) - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/radical/14181/katana-dragon.html
Current looking at picking up a 900 Global Volatility - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/900-global/15629/volatility.html
Just wondering if anyone else on here is an avid bowler? All of our alleys have been shut down for a while and we probably won't get to bowl for another 6 months. I'm missing it a lot.
I've been bowling league for 26 years and the current shutdown is really a bummer.
In my current arsenal -
Hammer Reactive Wheel (2004) - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/hammer/5298/wheel.html
RotoGrip DareDevil (2018) - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/roto-grip/13069/dare-devil.html
Radical Katana Dragon (2018) - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/radical/14181/katana-dragon.html
Current looking at picking up a 900 Global Volatility - https://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/900-global/15629/volatility.html