A long time ago, when I was still taking digital logic classes in school, Radio Shack used to sell these DTMF touch tone decoder chips. I bought two of them. With one of them, I created a home brew 'tone squelch' box. Basically, I combined the DTMF chip with some other logic chips and a relay such that the relay would trip only once a specific sequence of touch tones was input to the DTMF decoder chip. The relay was used to control the audio to the external speaker on my 2 meter rig..
Most VHF/UHF radios have a keypad that can be used to send touch tones (for back when many repeaters had phone patch capability). So I could keep my radio on but muted, and if somebody wanted to get my attention, all they had to do was key up and send a 3-digit touch tone code with their radio, and then I would hear them.
I think some radios has this sort of feature built in, but the Kenwood HT I had back then didn't, so I built it myself. As has been mentioned though, some repeaters block DTMF tones so that you don't hear them on the output. The one I used to use did not, so this worked for me.