Just to be weird. (name a moment when I'm not)
Radioberry. Now before you all spit your tea into the wind please listen. These things are the hf equivalent of a Baofeng, no, zero, none, any, front end at all.
I know it gets involved but you can dumb it down as much or as little as you like. The point is these things need additional selectivity and rejection.
Cheap and easy 600w MHT1803A & MHT1803B as well as the MRF300AN & BN
Yeah, the radioberry only puts out an average of about 80mw
A tuner would be a good idea.
LPF. I mean we do want to be nice to the neighbors.
https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256807518201375.html x4
Yeah , D'oh! these amps need 48v so charge in parallel discharge in series.
$85 well spent. Gotta have something to talk to all this krap and keep it in line.
I don't know how everyone feels about a shack in the box like my 857D. Personally it's been a love hate relationship.
I really don't see any manufacturer supplying a HF +6 2m/70cm all in one ever again. I could be wrong
I can't seem to drink the 7100 Kool-Aid
I can't seem to accept QRP mobile so the whole 50V@20A thing becomes a necessity because 12V anything QRO is dead and gone.
>>>> brief aside , there are plenty of 5-7" screens in vehicles these days. Do they have an aux display port?
Even if the right HF radio comes around I think I'd sniff the IF (G4HUP SK)
...and bring it out to a display.
I've had my fill with the all in one and wouldn't mind an HF+6 and just add a dual (quad? heh) band.
Just some off the wall ideas